Chapter 17 - Caught

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How Zhao didn't notice Da Qing's actions were a mystery to the cat. He had almost every time he sneaked the pills into one of his drinks been caught red-handed, however it always seemed like luck was with him and he carried out his revenge mission successfully, but one day fate got back at him.

In his office, Zhao sat on his chair like a king of a fallen empire. His sluggish work-attitude was even more sluggish as his head and shoulders hung as if a defeated man in war and his eyes shone due to lack of sleep.

He had not adapted to his body's weird behavior, but he kind of accepted it as some sort of temporary illness connected to the changing seasons.

Earlier this morning he felt normal but tired, as he had used most of the night to - at least try to - release the energy in him. Yet, he had come to realise the fact that with or without this 'illness', he always had more than enough energy to prove his love for his Ghost Slayer.

"Chief, please sign these papers. They are to be sent to the higher-ups." Wang said, floating in the doorway after politely knocking. She looked at him, worried so. She had seen the Chief tired before, even exhausted to the point of fainting, but this was a whole other level.

"Put them on my desk and I'll check sign later."

"Sorry, but it is urgent matter. It need to be done now."

She expected him to have some kind of angry or at least irritated reaction, but nothing came. Just silence.


Back in the hall Lin Jing had his eyes wide open, as Wang came back with the signed papers without Zhao's usual fuss about his paperwork. "Could it be that the Professor broke up with him?" He stupidly asked and received a slap in the back of his head.

"Have you wanted something rotten? The Professor would have to cut out his own heart before doing so, and even then he would not lose our idiotic Chief. He would hunt down anyone trying to hurt Zhao..." Da Qing said and continued to eat this premium tuna. He enjoyed making fun of this reincarnation of Kunlun and thought it more hilarious if the others were a part of it, but he didn't really trust anyone to keep their mouths shut. He would have to carry on the fun alone.

At the same time, Ye Zun was back at Shen Wei's apartment getting ready to go to Dragon University. He wanted to meet Shen Wei there after his lessons so that they could drive to the SID together. He had just finished styling his silver hair, when he got a small note that appeared out of nowhere saying 'I'm going the headquarters soon. Meet us there.'

The note disappeared in a dark mist and Ye Zun smiled. If he went now, he could chat with Da Qing before he was to discuss some important matter with Zhao.

Just before he left, Ye Zun opened one of his drawers to get his cap that he had been wearing every time he went out, and saw a couple of blue and white colored boxes, hidden underneath some other hats and gloves. 

Curious of what they were he took one of them out and frowned. He had never seen it before, and on one of the sides of the box, there were 'Viagra' written in blue letters. Not knowing what it meant, he carefully opened the lid. He didn't dare touch the content, but as far as he could see, it contained some sort of blue square pills. 

After closing the box again, he put it in his pocket. Maybe Da Qing knew what it was, so he decided to take it with him.

At the SID, everybody was tired and waited for Shen Wei to arrive so that they could go home and rest. They didn't want to confront their Chief and call it a day, since his mood had been one of those they couldn't really understand, yet they knew better than to expect that anything good would come out of it, unless Shen came to rescue them.

They all turned their head in excitement when Ye Zun appeared in the doorway, but they soon sat quietly down again. The twin brother was not enough for them to escape.

"Is everything alright?" Ye Zun asked, amused by the uneasy atmosphere that seemed to ooze in the building due to a tired out former god in bad mood.

Guo looked up from his hands. He sat behind his desk with a ducked neck as if he had committed a crime. Whenever Ye Zun was present, Guo always felt a strong urge to run away as fast as he could, but he somehow mustered up some courage and stammered, "Y-es, I-I mean, no... mayb-be.  Outr C-chief Zhao is, umm..."

"He's pissed off as usual." Old Chu finished the sentence giving Ye Zun a poisonous glare before looking back at Guo. Ye Zun didn't mind Chu, but when he saw how Chu's eyes softened when looking at the easily frightened young man, he couldn't help but smile for himself. His brother and that bossy lover of his was apparently not the only ones in love.

Searching, Ye Zun looked around, "Where's Da Qing?"

Zhu Hong and Lin Jing answered at the same time, "He went out a little while ago." 

Annoyed, Zhu Hong hissed at Lin Jing, who pointed his tongue at her while grinning, "He will be back in a moment."

"Oh," Ye Zun hesitated for a moment, then decided to just ask them all, "Do you guys know what this is? It says Viagra, but-"

He never got to finish, as a lot of things happened at the same time:

Zhao Yunlan opened the door just when Shen Wei arrived. Da Qing also came right in time to find Ye Zun with the pills and screamed. 

It shouldn't be possible for such a fat cat to move so fast that it almost seemed to be flying right across the room, but Da Qing proved it all wrong and almost knocked down Ye Zun. The cat quickly got a hold of the box of Viagra and ran out before anyone could react.

"What was that about?" Zhao asked, now awake and suspicious.

Shen Wei, who also was taken by surprise also glanced at Ye Zun for answers, just like the rest of the SID members.

"I found a small box in my drawer. I've never seen it before, so I took it with me so that you could tell me what it is. There was written Viagra on it."

Whether it took a few seconds or a couple of minutes, Zhao wasn't sure. But then it all became crystal clear to him; the reason why his body had been so sensitive and why he couldn't relax. 


Before Shen Wei could stop the furious Chief, Zhao had stormed past him, his steps sounding like thunder.

The office was dead quiet.

"Did you all se the look in Chief Zhao's eyes? I've never really belived that a glare could kill, but his eyes really shot daggers." Lin Jing whispered, both astonished and a bit anxious.

"Is Da Qing going to be alright?" Guo asked.

"Judging from Zhao's reaction, I guess not." Chu laughed, "But he really deserves to be praised to his deeds."

"Why, what happened?" Zhu Hong still didn't fully understand.

"Isn't it obvious? He clearly druged Zhao with Viagra. Haven't you all noticed how he has been locked up in his office, not letting anyone near?"

Their face-expressions, when realising it, was priceless.

"Wow, Professor Shen must have had it tough then." Lin Jing laughed, and Shen Wei turned crimson red. He politely bowed and said, "If you'll excuse me, I have to save a reckless cat." And disappeared.

Unable to hold back their laughes, everybody packed their things and left. Ye Zun was left back, still confused.

"So what is Viagra?"

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