Chapter 12 - Idea

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Feeling rather abandoned by old man Zhao, Da Qing sat on the couch on Zhao's office, wiggling with his tail, trying to come up with some brilliant ideas to make a hell out of Zhao's life. 

And since he was Da Qing, it wouldn't be that much of a problem.

The cat proudly licked it's paw; if one were to be called Master of Annoyance, it would definitely be Da Qing! However, this time he had to come up with something extra good, something that would annoy the living crap out of Zhao for neglecting the one and only Master Cat!!

Covering the whole office in stinky fish had been one of the things that the cat thought about, but the idea seemed too simple and obvious to choose. Ruining Zhao's clothes by running his sharp claws through it also appeared to be something that could be done on a regular basis, not funny at all - even though Da Qing loved the sound when ribbing fabric onto nicely formed stripes.

He even thought of using Lin Jing as the annoying factor in his plans. But though the rate of success may be high in this one, Lin Jin did a great job in making Zhao furious, basically every day. So where would the fun part be?

Suddenly, Da Qing stood up, his cat eyes looking at Zhao's chair, as if setting fire to it with his piercing gaze, Just you wait, old man! I've got the ultimate weapon right at my paws!

Wasting no time, the plump cat jumped down from the couch, gracefully as can be, and catwalked out, overly satisfied with the idea that had formed in it's head.

Standing in the hallway of the apartment building, Da Qing knocked on the door and told himself not to be too impatient while waiting to be let inside.

On the second knock, the door opened just enough for Ye Zun to look through the crack of the half opened door and was surprised to see the the fat cat look op at him.

"Da Qing," he greeted at let him in. The cat wriggled it's butt in a rather 'better-knowing' way when going into the livingroom. 

"I'll cut right to the matter," Da Qing announced, "I need your help with a lot of things, that will make our old man Zhao happy. What you say?"

Ye Zun, who was eager to make up for his previous mistakes, quickly nodded and sat down before the cat, ready to carry out any task necessary.

"However, you must promise me not to tell ANYONE about this. I want it to be a... a surprise for our beloved Chief, you know." Da Qing laughed a little awkward while trying hard not to let his pokerface crack up.

The former Ghost Face looked at the ancestor cat and admired it endlessly. Da Qing must really love his master!

"What do you want me to do?" Ye Zun asked.

The cat sighed dramatically, "First of all, our Chief really loves his lollipops, but he wants to quit eating them, since it's not healthy for him. Therefore, whenever he buys some, you need to take them away without him noticing - he might get sulky when being low on sugar."

He paused for a bit to let the first task sink in, "Then since you practically are the old man's brother-in-law, wouldn't it be great, if you visited him and your brother EVERY day? That way you can really get to know and support each other. Maybe you can also stay overnight? You know, to prolong your time together."

Ye Zun's eyes shone with happiness. Indeed, not only did Da Qing really care for Zhao Yunlan, he also cared for him and his brother! 

"I will do it." He answered, and Da Qing nodded satisfied, "But you will also be there, right?" 

The cat purred, trying to hide it's evil undertone, "Yes, of course I will. How can I not be there when my master is surrounded by his loved ones? I have to witness it with my own eyes."

Eventhough Ye Zun found it a bit strange with 'witness it with my own eyes', he just knocked it off, thinking the cat must have some kind of inside joke with Zhao. Could he be more wrong?

Watching how Ye Zun reacted to his proposals, he already knew it was going to be a succes. The last thing he needed to do, before the plan was perfect, was to go visit the pharmacy tomorrow. What could be a greater gift to Zhao, than love? The cat thought sarcastically.

Maybe I should just quit the as a SID member and become an actor? Da Qing thought, satisfied and proud of himself to come up with such a great idea.

Da Qing stayed over for some hours, mostly sleeping while Ye Zun walked around cleaning, as he could not calm himself down due to the bubbling excitement that kept him awake, eventhough it was just over midnight.

In his dreams, Da Qing rubbed his paws together ready to take his revenge. He really was a genius right? 

When he woke up in the early morning, the apartment was empty. Da Qing quitely laughed for himself; his plan had already started.

He then went out, and as he passed the door to Zhao's apartment, he could already hear Zhao growl, disturbed by a third presence while doing private business.

Da Qing changed to human form and couldn't stop laughing the whole way down to the drugstore. 

The receptionist looked weirdly at Da Qing, when he handed her four packs of the drug, and didn't even take her eyes of him as she handled the money.

"Aren't you a little too young to use this kind of drug?" She asked, but Da Qing just shrugged her off not minding her staring, and just took his packages and left without a word.

Old man Zhao, get ready for my punishment! I sure will make life hard for you! He thought evilly, hurrying back, not wanting to waste a single second watching Zhao suffer.


As you guys might have guessed while reading this, I dedicated this chapter to Da Qing since I cannot get enough of him. The story in the following chapter(s) are also going to be from Da Qing perspective 😂 But wouldn't it be adorable if Da Qing and Ye Zun became best friends?

But I also thought that it would be fun to write chapters from some of the other characters, which one shall I choose? Let me know in the comments 😘

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