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I could feel the tension
We could cut it with a knife
I know it's more than just a friendship
I can hear you think I'm right

"What do you mean it's not ready?"

I groaned, listening to Mark's conversation. His phone calls are obnoxious. He's rude to his workers and he's especially rude to waitresses. Like every egotistical successful man, he was a complete jerk and felt like he ruled the world.

"I told you I wanted the food ready by the time we got there. No, you listen here, I don't have time to wait on the food to be finished. Let me speak to your manager."

"Mark, seriously. It's fine. Just go to your meeting. I can wait." I interrupted him.

"You said you were hungry," he grumbled.

"I'm fine." I snapped. He rolled his eyes and slammed his phone down on the leather of the backseat.

I looked at the front of the car and Jaxon's eyes met mine through the rear view mirror. He looked at me with sympathy.

"Where am I heading miss?"

"His office please, Jaxon."

"Yes ma'am."

We pulled up to Mark's office and he began to get out.

"This shouldn't take long honey." He began leaning in to kiss me. I quickly turned my head and dodged his kiss. He pulled back and glared at me angrily.

"I'm just going to head home Mark. I'll see you tomorrow."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine."

He slammed the door and walked into the tall building. I groaned again, sinking further into the seat. The car began to moving out onto the highway. I guess Jaxon heard me tell Mark I was going home.

"Jaxon, can you actually take me through a drive thru. I am extremely hungry."

He chuckled. "Yes miss."

"I told you to call me Lyla."

"Your father would chop my tongue off if I did that ma'am."

"Well my father isn't here, now is he?"

"No, he is not."

"Okay then, who should you listen to when he's not around?"

"You, I suppose."

"And what do I want?"

"Drive thru?"

I laughed out loud. "You're a smart ass but I enjoy it. The other bodyguards are so boring."

"I aim to please Lyla," he said in a low voice.

The way he said my name caused chill bumps to rise all over my body. I sensed a double meaning behind his words and clenched my legs shut, trying to shut off the pool forming.

"Uhm," I stuttered. "Just take me through this chicken place up here on the left."

He nodded.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now