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I see through your demeanor, baby I'm a pleaser
I go out my way to treat you
But I can't be a teacher
'Cause I'm a problem with problems I know who I am and I'm not
No good
You can have me tonight and ever I thought you understood
Baby some people are meant to be loved and others just naked
So take what I'm willing to give and love it or hate it

The next morning, I wandered around the house trying to find the kitchen.

When I finally found it, I walked in and saw Jaxon sitting at the kitchen table. He was dressed in a grey suit with the top few buttons unbuttoned, giving me a view of his very toned chest. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were on me.

Wow. He's sexy.

"Oh, uhm, I'll come back later."

"Don't be ridiculous Miss Johnson. Come in and eat something."

"So we're back to formalities now, huh?"

"Well, considering I'm not good enough for you, I decided to keep this a completely professional relationship."


"No. Miss Johnson, no need for explanations. It's done."

I didn't speak. I turned back around and walked out of the kitchen.

"Miss Johnson," he called.

I continued walking.

"Miss Johnson. Miss Johnson!"

I placed my hand on the glass door leading outside and began to open it when a hand shot beside my head and slammed the door shut. I turned around and leaned against the glass door.

"I told you, no leaving this house."

"I'm your boss, correct?" I challenged.

"No. You're father is and he ordered me to keep you safe Miss Johnson. I am doing a job that my boss requires me to do."

I tried to move away from him but he put his hand on the glass on the other side of my head, caging me in.

"Mr. Myers, I would like to go to my room now."

"You need to eat."

"I'm fine."

My stomach chose right then to growl. He smirked. I shot under his arm and ran to the stairs. I didn't make it ten steps before a steel band captured my waist, pulling me back.

"Mr. Myers," I groaned.

"My name is Jaxon," he whispered in my ear, his voice dark and raspy.

I gulped. "Mine is Lyla but yet you insist on calling me Miss Johnson."

He didn't say anything but I felt a hand run down my side, stopping at the hem of my oversized T-shirt.

Oh Gosh. You idiot! You're not wearing pants. Are you trying to come off that desperate?

"Why did you wear these?" He growled, popping the waist band of my red, lace panties.

"I-uh-" I stuttered. "They were in my bag."

I felt his breath on the side of my neck.

Kiss me!

I stopped breathing as he placed his hands on my waist, turning me. The look in his eyes was feral. I felt heat pool between my hips. My eyes dropped to his lips and when I looked up, his eyes were on my chest.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now