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If you let me, here's what I'll do
I'll take care of you
I've loved and I've lost


I woke as the sunlight poured through the windows.

I looked up at Jaxon's peaceful face and smiled.

I felt his erection next to my leg.

Let's make use of this morning erection, shall we?

I leaned up slowly, careful to not wake him. I began crawling under the covers toward his shaft. When my hand wrapped around him, I heard a slight groan. Knowing he would wake soon, I immediately wrapped my mouth around him. Using my tongue to swirl around his tip, I began sucking lightly.

His dick hardened further as I continued moving up and down. I knew the moment he awoke because a loud moan filled my ears and a hand made its way to my hair.

"Lyla," he moaned out. I liked the way he moaned my name. Husky and gravely. It was sexy as hell.

I pulled my mouth off, making a popping sound.

He threw the blanket back and looked down at my naked form crouched over him. His eyes went from a sleepy aroused look to a fully awake aroused look in seconds. He reached down and picked up my bottom half and pulled it toward him. It's not until my entrance is directly above his mouth that he stops. I look down at him and he winks up at me before reaching up and devouring me. I fell against the headboard in front of me and reached down to grab a fistful of his hair.

His tongue ran over my clit before sucking it into his mouth and biting slightly.

I moaned loudly as he explored me, fucking me with his tongue.

"Jaxon," I breathed.

He opened his eyes and looked at me but didn't stop eating his meal.

"I want to try something."

His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion before shooting upwards. It was then that he pulled his mouth from my dripping wet entrance.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He asked.

I nodded. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"You will be the death of me."

I turned around and placed myself above his mouth once again. This time, I laid my body over his and gripped his manhood tightly. As my lips closed around him, he let out a moan.

His breath hit my pussy and I moaned around his dick.

"Holy shit," he groaned. "Do that again."

I didn't know what he meant so I kept sucking him. I felt his mouth on me and I moaned again.

"That," he whispered before returning to my wetness.

I continued moaning as he pleasured me.

Soon enough, I felt my release coming and I guess he could too. I began riding his face, trying to find some friction against my clit. His hand reached up and rubbed it hard and I came. He followed soon after, shooting hot spurts of cum into my mouth. I swallowed the thick liquid and sat up.

I got off of Jaxon and began walking to the shower.

I turned back and looked at him in all his naked glory. He had his hands behind his head, a smirk covering his face as he watched me.

"Coming?" I smiled seductively at him.

"Oh, hell yes."

After a very long, eventful shower, we began getting dressed.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now