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Yeah, I'm fighting a battle within
And I don't know where to begin, oh-oh
A monster inside of my skin
And I don't know where to begin, oh-oh

I stood with my feet shoulder width apart, arms rigid and stretched in front of me. The cool metal of the trigger caused goose bumps to rise on my arms.

Excitement. That's all I feel at this moment. My father left me alone to practice on my own for a while.

I heard the door open behind me as soon as I pulled the trigger for the first time. I turned, expecting to see my father but instead, there stood Jaxon.

"Hey," I smiled.


I looked back at the target to see where I hit. The bullet hit near the rib section

"You need to aim a little higher," Jaxon said. I turned on my heel and playfully glared at him.

"That was my first shot. Don't come in here criticizing me when I haven't had time to practice."

He smirked at me. "Let me help you."

"I don't need help-" He cut me off by grabbing my hips and turning me to face the target. I gasped. He pressed his front against my back. He ran his hands up the length of my body until he reached my arms. As his fingers skimmed their way down my arms, my breathing quickened. He placed his hands over mine, pushing them onto the stock of the gun.

"Grip the stock firm and steady. That helps with the kick." His lips moved against my ear as he spoke. I bit my lip.

"Take a deep breath before pulling the trigger. That helps with accuracy."

I took a deep, shaky breath. Not out of fear of the gun but because of the feeling of his body so close to mine.

As the breath left my body, I pulled the trigger. The bullet sped through the air and through the targets heart.

I smiled at the hole in the target. "I did it."

"Yeah," he breathed out. In that moment, I felt his length against me.

"Jaxon," I whispered.

He took the gun out of my hands and placed it on the table in front of us. I pressed my backside further into him. A groan sounded behind me.

He grabbed my hips again and turned me to face him. Pushing me against the wall, his hands found their way into my hair.

"You're so sexy." He bit down on his bottom lip. My eyes followed the movement.


"Oh, hell yeah." He smirked and pulled me to him, placing his lips on mine.

"God, I love you Lyla Rose."

I smiled up at him. "I love you."

"No, you don't understand. I really really love you Lyla."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "I don't understand."

"I'm in love with you. Every part of you. You are perfect for me."

I felt my heart race at his words. I reached up and pulled his face down to mine. Our lips met with urgency. His tongue explored my mouth and I moaned. I pushed my chest toward him and his hand found my breast easily.

The door clicked and I quickly pushed Jaxon off me. Clearing my throat, I walked back to the table and grabbed my pistol. A few moments later, my father rounded the corner.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now