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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
It's easy to say
But it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

My eyes welled up with tears as he stared at me. I looked away quickly and began grabbing my clothes.

"Lyla, what are you doing?" He said.

"I'm staying in Lance's room."

He opened his mouth to speak but I held my hand up cutting him off.

"No, I need to be away from you. You confused the hell out of me and I just need time."

I began limping out of the room.

"Room B12," he muttered.

I nodded and closed the door behind me as I walked toward B12 which was two doors down from us. I knocked lightly on the door. The door opened and Lance stood there, shirtless.

"Oh, shit! I thought you were Jaxon." He grabbed a shirt off the bed and threw it over his head.

I laughed. "Lance, I don't care if you don't wear a shirt. You might as well get comfortable anyways," I said, walking into his room slowly. He rushed to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist, helping me walk.

"Why is that?"

"I'm staying with you," I said, cheerily with a smile.

He choked. "What?"

"I'm staying in here with you."

"Jaxon let you do that?"

"I wasn't taking no for an answer."

"Lyla, there's only one bed."

"That's okay. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, you take the bed. I'm on the couch."

"Will you treat me like a normal person?" I groaned.

"I am," he whispered. "I would never let the lady take the couch while I take the bed. That's not how I was raised."

I smiled at him. His cheeks flushed red but he turned his head quickly, avoiding my gaze.

"Well, I'm going to get a shower. I'll be right back," he muttered.

He helped sit me on the bed before heading to the bathroom.

I just don't get Jaxon. I know that Lance says he didn't mean what he said but why would he say it in the first place?

Maybe because you hurt his feelings, asshole.

Maybe. I just don't know what I should believe.
I sat there for another 15 minutes lost in my thoughts when the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Lance walked out in sweatpants and a T-shirt.

"Hey," He said. "Shower is yours."

"Oh, I already had one. Thanks, though."

He nodded. I pulled myself off the bed and began gathering blankets. I walked over to the couch and made a place for him to sleep.

"You didn't have the cover the whole couch, you know." Lance laughed loudly.

"Well, it's leather. I didn't want you to get cold immediately after laying down."

"Thanks, Lyla."

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now