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I was wrong and you were right
If I was yours and you were mine
But it was all good (yeah)
You were gone and I was back
And I was good and you were bad
But it was all good
'Cause I'm an addict, I'm your patient
Your lips are the medication
Come here baby, yeah, you know just what I want

I woke to someone shaking me and murmuring my name.


I opened my eyes and his green ones were right above me. I groaned and rolled over.

Why am I in a bed? I was in a car when I fell asleep. I rubbed my legs together. Where are my pants?!

I shot up and realized I was in a big T-shirt with nothing else but a bra and panties.

"Where are we? Why am I in a bed? Where are my clothes? Who changed me?"

He chucked. "I carried you from the car to the bed. Your clothes are in the washing machine. I changed you."

"You changed me?!"

"Considering that last night you woke up long enough to spill a whole Coke on you, yeah, I changed you so that you didn't wake up in sticky clothes."

I groaned and plopped back down on the bed.
"Where did you sleep?" I grunted out.

"I didn't."

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't sleep."

"You haven't slept this whole time! Why didn't you sleep?"

"I can't. I have to keep watch over everything to make sure nothing happens."

"Jaxon, get some sleep. I'm going to get a shower."

He looked at me for a long time. "Do not, for any reason, leave this house."

"I won't," I smiled.

I walked to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I sighed, releasing all of my stress as the hot water cascaded over my body.

Oh my gosh. Jaxon saw me naked. Well, not completely but close enough.

I looked down at my body. I'm very proud of my body. I have a nice round butt and perky boobs. My stomach is flat and I have abs from working out. That still doesn't mean I want my bodyguard to see me naked, though.

Or do you?

No. No. I can't have those thoughts. I can't think that way about my bodyguard. I shook my head and got out of the shower. It was then that I realized that I did not bring clothes in with me. I peeked out of the bathroom door and saw Jaxon laying his side with his back to the bathroom. I tiptoed to the dresser and pulled it open as quiet as I could before grabbing some underwear. I slipped them on really fast and then dropped the towel to put a bra on.

When I turned around to walk to the closet, Jaxon was now on his other side, facing me, with his eyes wide open.

His eyes ran the length of my body and I was frozen. His gaze had me stuck to the floor. He slowly started to get up, never taking his eyes off me, and something in me snapped. I took that chance to run to the closet and lock it behind me. I heard a light knock from the outside of the closet.

"Lyla," he began.

"I'm naked!" I yelled. I heard him chuckle.

"No you're not."


"I've already seen it."

"I didn't let you see it willingly!"

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now