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Covered in your water and I'm feelin' like a summer breeze
Submitted under power and you brought me to my knees
Use me, you're electric, babe
Move me, take me all the way
Whisper in my ear, I'm the only one you're lovin' on
Take advantage of the moment, you're the only one that I want

I woke to utter silence. I tried looking around but it was pitch black in the room. I leaned over to turn on the lamp. Light flooded the room and I looked around. Jaxon was nowhere to be seen.

"Jaxon?" I called.

No reply.

I walked to the door leading outside and opened it, peeking my head out. He wasn't there. I quickly closed the door, feeling uneasy and unsafe. I locked it and backed away. I looked at the clock. 12:00 am. I went in the bathroom to grab Jaxon's bag of supplies and looked through it. In the bottom of the bag I found a gun and grabbed it.

I sat on the bed with my knees curled up to my chest, staring at the door. The gun laid beside me on the nightstand.

Why would he just leave me here? Alone.

An hour later I heard the door click, signaling someone unlocking it. I jumped up and grabbed a gun of the nightstand, aiming it at the door.

Jaxon emerged from the door and immediately put his hands up in surrender.


I let out a breath and lowered the gun. Anger courses through me as I placed the gun back on the nightstand and stormed toward Jaxon.

A sickening cracking sound rang through the room when I slapped him as hard as I could.
He looked at me shocked but obviously not in pain. I huffed and turned to storm away but he grabbed me by the waist before I got out of arms reach. I began kicking and punching him with all my might.

Wow. Those antibiotics helped. I can hardly feel the gunshot.

He rushed toward the bed and threw me on it before pinning my flailing limbs down. He was sitting on my legs and my arms were pinned above my head.

"Let go of me!" I growled out.

"What the fuck, Lyla?"

"You left me here!" I spit out. "You left me here alone. After what happened not even 24 hours ago. I thought your job was to make me feel safe."

His face fell. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Where did you go anyway, huh?" I asked angrily. "Did you go fuck your frustrations out on a random girl?" He glared at me.

"I don't treat women that way. For your information, I went to investigate why your boyfriend's men are after you."

"Ex-boyfriend," I corrected harshly.

"Either way, I was trying to find out information that I could use to protect you."

"Whatever," I began trying to push him off of me but he wouldn't budge. "Get off of me."

He looked at me with guilt again. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "For leaving you."

His eyes fell to my lips and desire flashed in his eyes.

"Don't you even think about kissing me. I'm so mad at you right now I could kick you in the balls and watch you wither in pain. And I would enjoy it," I mumbled.

He slowly sat up, letting go of my arms. Once he got off me completely, I stormed into the bathroom and locked the door. I removed my clothes, suddenly in need of a warm shower.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now