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One day when the story's all told
There'll be no more words to fill the page
One night when the stars are all gone
There'll be no more light to guide the way

I took my time getting ready. I went considerably light on my makeup, except for the deep red lipstick I applied to my lips. I teased my hair and put it up on a high messy ponytail.

I smirked at my appearance and then got up to put the lingerie on. I left off the fishnet tights, deciding I would use those later. I put the black dress on top of the lingerie and texted Lance on the secured phone he gave me when we got back to Jaxon's house. He knocked on the door lightly. He was looking behind him as I opened the door.

"Jaxon is in the kitchen drinking a beer but-" His mouth fell open as he took in my appearance. "Holy shit."

I grinned and did a little twirl. "You like?"

He nodded quickly. "I wish you were my girl," he laughed. "Jaxon is ready. I'm coming too," he winked.

"I was thinking," I began and his eyes lit up with mischief. "I'm leaving off the fishnet tights for the club. I don't want to look like a hooker. But, I was thinking, maybe we could flirt in front of him at the club and then later tonight I could put the tights on and take the dress off and act like I'm coming to your room."

"Oh I like that idea." He pondered for a minute before speaking again. "He won't let me dance with you for long if we get dirty."

"Well, we better get dirty."

He smirked at me. We fist bumped and walked out of the bedroom. My eyes met Jaxon's as I walked into the kitchen. His widened and he slowly pulled the beer from his lips. My black heels clicked on the tile floor as I walked closer to him. The heels weren't very tall considering I didn't want to bust my ass in front of him. I grabbed the beer out of his hand and took a swig.

"Ready?" I smiled. His eyes scanned my body hungrily as he nodded.

"Okay, let's go!"

I grabbed Lance's forearm as I pulled him to the car.

"Fucker," I heard Jaxon curse as we walked to the car.

Lance lightly chuckled before throwing a wink my way.

After a 20 minute silent car ride, we pulled up at Jaxon's club. We pulled up in the alley near, I'm guessing, the back entrance. Loud music poured into the alley when we opened the back door.

"Don't leave mine or Lance's side. Got it?" Jaxon yelled in my ear.

"What if I have to pee?" I yelled back.

"We still need to know if that's where you go."

I nodded. We walked out onto a balcony above the crowd and wow. The club was packed with bodies, grinding and bumping each other. I squealed and grabbed Lance's hand, pulling him to the bar.

Lance ordered the three of us drinks and I sat back in the stool, sipping slowly. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the dark eyed man from the airport. His eyes were locked on me and I set my drink down, suddenly feeling sick. The man shook his head at me. He jerked his head at the dance floor, obviously telling me to act like nothing is wrong. I put on a fake smile and turned to Lance.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now