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I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue
I'm built for it, all the abuse
I got secrets, that nobody, nobody knows
I'm good on, that pussy shit
I don't want, what I can get
I want someone, with secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows

An animalistic sound ripped from Jaxon's throat as he tore down the stairs, gun gripped tightly in his hand.

"Jaxon!" I whisper-yelled.


He didn't stop. Suddenly a man walked out from around the corner. Jaxon shot him right between the eyes. I screamed and fell onto the stairs.

He turned to look at me, eyes hard. "Get to the car. Now, Lyla!"

I got off the stairs, tears brimming my eyes. He just murdered that man without blinking. I ran to the back door and walked around the side of the building. Two men were standing there.

I couldn't move. I was stuck. My mind screamed at me telling me to run.

They slowly began walking toward me, guns raised and pointed at me.

My fight or flight response kicked in as soon as the men were close enough. I kicked the man on the right in the balls. As he fell to the ground, I punched the other guy in the nose. I ripped the gun from his hands in his moment of weakness and pointed it at him. The other man finally began to recover from me kicking him and noticed his partner was not moving. He looked up, eyes locking on the gun in my hand. He began to raise his own gun.

"Don't you dare," I growled.

A shot rang in the air and I felt pain in my side. I screamed as I realized he shot me.

"Lyla!" I heard Jaxon yell.

I didn't say anything, afraid to take my attention away from the men in front of me. I gripped my side, feeling blood gush out of my side.

Jaxon ran around the corner and stopped abruptly and raising his gun.

He took the gun out of my hand. "Get the car started."

I walked around to the driver side and cranked the car. When I came back around the car, both men where unconscious.

I stayed silent as I got into the passenger seat, still clutching my side. Jaxon hopped in and drove away from the house. He hadn't yet realized that I had been shot. My vision started to become blurry as the adrenaline in my system disappeared.

"Jaxon," I whispered. He looked over at me and his eyes dropped to my hand at my side.

"Shit! Lyla! Why didn't you tell me you were shot?"

I didn't reply. The tires screeched as he pulled into a hotel and parked us behind the building, keeping the car out of sight. He ran to the desk, I'm guessing to get a room.

I saw him run to my side of the car and he picked me up bridal style, rushing to our room. He slammed the door behind us, locking it. He walked me to the bathroom and set me on the counter.

He began pulling my shirt up. I realized when the shirt reached my belly button that I didn't have a bra.

I quickly pushed his hands off of me.

"Lyla, I have to check the wound."

"I, uh, don't have a bra on."

Jaxon looked at me, unfazed. "I've seen a woman's boobs before Lyla. I have the check the gunshot."

I felt my mood sour at his comment. I scowled at him as I lifted my arms, unashamed of my body. He pulled my shirt over my head and I saw him gulp.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now