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And if the spark in your eye goes out
I can be your glow
Bringing you home, yeah
Bringing you home
I see your hurt, I feel your pain
All of our dirt is washed in the rain
I've walked that road, I've felt that shame
No place is home but times, they are changin'
This is our sanctuary
We can find shelter and peace
This is our sanctuary
You are, you are safe with me

"Jaxon?" I whispered.

He blew out a breath and began moving toward me. He looked down at the ground around me and stopped abruptly. I followed his gaze and saw the bloody towels all around me.

I stood, wincing. His eyes caught the movement.

"What happened?" He said, quietly.

"Don't worry about it right now. I'm okay. Just get me out of here."

He looked behind me at my mother and sister, eyes locking on Elizabeth.

"They're coming with us. I'll explain everything later."

Another body burst through the door behind Jaxon.

His eyes found me quickly but widened on the two women behind me.

"Dad," I began. He lifted his gun and aimed it right at Mother. I jumped into action quickly. I jumped in front of the barrel.

"Lyla!" Jaxon protested.

"Dad, please. She didn't hurt me."

"Where did all the blood come from then?"

"Not Mom."

His eyes glued to Elizabeth. He slowly lowered his gun.

I looked back and hers were glued to him as well.

He looked between her and I. He turned his attention back to Mom.

"You weren't lying," he whispered. "All those years ago, you were telling the truth and I didn't believe you. I turned you away."

"It's okay," Mom whispered, tears filling her eyes.

He moved toward Elizabeth slowly. I walked toward Jaxon and pulled him from the room, allowing them to have a private reunion.

"Get me out of here," I whispered to him.

"I'm going to get her home, Boss."

My father nodded.

Jaxon picked me up bridal style and walked from the room. I held onto him tightly, still not fully believing this wasn't all some fucked up dream.

"Tell me what happened," he said as soon as he had me seated in the backseat with him.

I gulped and turned my head. I couldn't look at him. I was disgusted with myself and I couldn't bear to see disgust in his eyes after I tell him.

"Mark. He raped me."

I felt him tense. I flinched and scooted further from him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back to where I was.

"Look at me," he growled. I looked in his eyes and saw hatred. "Where is he?"

"I don't know. My mother sent him to be killed."

He jumped out of the car. "I'm going to find him and I am going to kill him myself."

"No, please. Stay here. Don't leave me alone."

His eyes softened as fear took over me. He jumped back into the seat and pulled me to him. I felt him reach over the back seat. He pulled a bag over and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from them.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now