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I wish I was allowed, but I don't wanna cause any pain
And if I'm feeling like I'm evil we've got nothing to gain

I tried to hide my wincing as Stephano dragged me down the halls.

"Hurry up, piccolo!"

I tried moving faster but my rib and thigh screamed in pain. We finally made it to a door and he stopped abruptly. He turned me to face him. He had a giddy expression on his face.

"You're a disgusting man," I said, lowly.

"Watch what you say, piccolo, or else I'll tell the man who purchases you to make sure you feel nothing but pain."

I grimaced at his words. He pulled the silk robe from my shoulders and opened the door. He hooked his arm through mine and pulled me along side him. I grimaced as his elbow jabbed my rib.

Bright lights blinded me as we walked out onto a stage. I wanted to cover myself but I knew if I tried, Stephano would make sure I regretted it later.

"Good evening, gentiluomini," He boomed at the crowd. (Italian: gentlemen)

As my eyes adjusted to the lights, I looked out and gulped. There were about 60 men sitting at tables, sipping scotch and whiskey. All eyes were on me, evaluating.

"Consider this my first step into the sex trafficking world." Stephano chuckled beside me. "I think I did quite well, no?"

The men in the crowd chuckled.

"Let's get started, lo facciamo?" (Italian: shall we)

"$5,000," a dark hair man said.


The bidding continued and I couldn't keep up with who was voting. I felt bile rise in my throat. This is really happening.

It was up to $25,000 and I was on the brink of tears.

"$50,000!" A young man stood and yelled. I looked at him and recognized a familiarity but could not place it.

Stephano faltered beside me and everyone fell silent. "Going once," Stephano growled, glaring at the young man.

"Twice." No one objected.

"Sold." Stephano jerked me off stage and I cried out in pain.

Stephano muttered words in Italian angrily as we walked. He stomped toward the back area of the room toward the young man. He practically threw me at the man at which point the young man caught me with ease.

"You stupid Figlio di puttana!" He grumbled.

"Boss sent me to get her," the man smirked.

"You're a traitor," Stephano growled.

"Maybe so, but the girl is mine now."

"I don't give a fuck. She was just the final step I needed to get into the sex trafficking ring. Now I'm in. Take her."

I looked at the man next to me. His green eyes bore holes into Stephano and his long black hair was slicked back. He can't be much older than I am. He resembled Stephano in lots of ways.

Are they related?

Stephano huffed and stomped away quickly.

The man turned to look at me. "Let's get you out of here, yeah?"

"Are you going to hurt me?"

His eyes softened. "I wouldn't dream of it."

He placed his hand on the small of my back and began to lead me out of the building. Every step I took made me whimper. The man turned to look at me.

The Bodyguard (18+)Where stories live. Discover now