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(P. b.)

We met at a concert - not really a concert, concert, just more like all those fancy gallery openings you go for.
Where everyone dresses all formal, drinks wine, and so on.

It was time for spoken word poetry,
And she was the third person up to go.
She sat down there,
Playing the most beautiful, sad, slow instrumental,
I've ever heard in my life.
And when she spoke poetry,
My heart slit in half.

And suddenly, the entire world vanished before my eyes,
And the only thing I could see,
Was the most gorgeous girl I've ever met,
Playing the most beautiful sound my soul has ever heard, on her grand piano.
In a spilt second, she had my heart kidnapped.

The whole time she played, I was speechless.
While she talked, the sweet fragrance of poetry floated across the room,
Engrossing my heart in her words.

The most beautiful smile I've ever seen,
Spread across her face, as the tears escaping her eyes, gently rolled down her cheeks.

I cried that night, with a smile on my face.
It was the most beautiful thing, I'd ever seen.

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