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In all honesty,
I believe my writing should be more than just fantasy verses.
I believe that I could be doing more with my writing,
Helping as much people as I can,
Impacting lives,
And changing the way people view things for the better.
I believe the true definition of an artist,
Is one who uses his voice to reach out to as much people as he can,
With his/her artistic talents.

Our ancestors that came before us, were able to understand this.
But now, the true meaning of art is fading into dollar bills and fame gain, which is sad really.
I don't know, but if I can spark a change in the chain of reaction, then I'm willing to keep trying.

Art must be redefined!

So many people laugh when I say this, and call my way of reasoning futile.
But there is this old saying that goes:

"No-one ever fears the wind, till it falls trees, then they say it's too much."

I don't need anyone's approval to purse my dream.
I all need my undying passion to write.

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