Aqua Pura

94 22 7

(The rain)

Oh goddess,
Let me bathe under your stormy clouds,
Shivering at the very touch of each droplet of rain.
Let me drown in your ocean of words,
Sinking to the bottom like a heavy metal.

In this river, I find solitude;
Passion, desire, pain.
Desire to fill every inch of my soul with your Aqua Pura.
A long dream I once dreamt of;
An unfilled wish,
I strongly wished to come to pass.

I close my eyes, without hesitation,
And give in to your aura.
Your ocean waves,
In all its sweetness and glory.
Those eyes, carrying tides from the depth of the sea.
Unrelenting to drown,
I let go of everything.
And when I opened my eyes,
I could finally breathe,

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