Getting an Andriod

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hey, a new story, you may ask


TOO BAD, I got bored of it, and I'm holding it off. BUT IT DOES NOT MEAN. I DONT LOVE TCHALLA/CHADWICK BOSEMAN ALRIGHT. NOW HOLD YOUR HORSES, I will do it again when i feel like doing the story, so bear with in the meantime. Please do enjoy this awesome NEW STORY!

With pain, and the dread of the week sat on y/n's shoulder. All he wanted was to go home but sadly he had to wait for the bus. Staring down at his phone with tiredness, there was a sudden noise of feet walking only to stop when close to Y/n, his eyes glanced up seeing an android beside of him, staring forward awaiting for the bus aswell.

Y/n smiled at the little company, his attention turning back to his phone. With a quiet sigh of grief, "Are you alright?" A voice spoke out

Looking up Y/n with a surprised look, as the male android spoke to him.

"Yeah, had a tough week." He responded with a quick smile,

"Seems so, I do hope it gets better." The bot said in his happiest voice as he turned back into his position.

"Thanks." He whispered under his breath, knowing the android would hear.

The bus finally had arrived, Y/n grabbing his bags, hauling them onto the bus as the android got into the back, awaiting his return home.

With the lock clicked, the door swung open, and y/n bags dragged against the ground as he entered his humble home. The lights turned on with a clap, sighing heavily at the mess he made the week of before with work. He placed the bags to the side, stretching himself out a bit. He closed the door with a gentle push as it locked itself back up. The young man made his way to the kitchen, seeing it wasn't so messy opening the fridge seeing all food was gone or just gone bad.

With a huff he closed the fridge, taking his jacket off placing it on top of the counter clapping to turn the lights off in the living room/kitchen he maded his way towards his room he clapped again as his bedroom lights kicked on.

Seeing his bed slight mess, he just jumped into it, y/n taking his shoes off, tossing them aside he curled himself into the comforter and blankets around him.

Y/n turned towards his window, clapping again as the lights went out and the lights of the late the city brighten his room feeling the tiredness slowly creeping he snuggled more into his blankets as sleep took over.

As morning came and the early time of the noon came close, y/n began to awake from his slumber, his eyes opening to the bright sun of the new day. He grumbled, turning himself away with a loud yawn as he sat for a while, pondering if he should sleep all day or get up, his eyes wandered to his clock.

11:37 AM

Sighing he removed the blankets and comforter from his body like a cacune, slowly sitting up he stretched himself feeling a few bones pop and muscles be woken up, getting up feeling the well missed carpet beneath his feet Y/n sighed in relief as he wandered around his apartment, it was far from the busy inside of Detriot but still able to see the light that comes from a fantastic city.

Y/n put on a new pair of clothes fresh, haven't been touched in a week. A nice blue shirt, with black jeans.

He was satisfied, leaving his bedroom once more he turned the tv as it blared throughout the home, the news feed talking about a new Andriod, that was limited time. This had caught Y/n attention as he watched the news feed about it, walking around the living room though picking up a few things here and there.

"A new model was released today, the RK800. And I do say it is a marvelous looking android and only for limited time! So if you're indeed of a new bot, I suggest getting this lovely andriod." The newscaster joked as it became something else political.

A thought sprang into Y/n mind as he dropped more garbage into the trashcan, grabbing his jacket from the counter and his keys along with his wallet the young man stormed from his apartment.

The bus finally arrived at the designated bus stop, as people and androids got off. Y/N speed walk to the near Andriod store, as he saw many people inside for androids and such other things, as the door automatically opened a young lady wearing a white outfit came afore him with a gentle smile, "hello and welcome are you here to buy and android?"

"Umm, just looking for now." He responded hastily with a fake smile.

"If you need help, let me knowm" The lady walked off to help another customer.

With a sigh Y/n walked around the facility looking at the androids that stood there waiting to be brought home like a puppy being adopted from the shelter, but something caught Y/n's eye as he glanced over seeing the new large display of the new bot.

He steadily made his over to the male bot. Rk800 stood there with a smile, as the features showed on the side of his abilities how much better he is than other models on a screen.

Y/n eyed the android with curiosity. A light tap on his shoulder turned his attention back to the lady who welcomed him earlier.

"I see you're eyeing our newest model!" She said with glee.

"Yeah.." he responded, turning his attention back to the bot.

RK800 glanced down at Y/n with a smile as he continued to stand and look pretty.

"Would you like to buy the RK800?" She asked.

That thought hadn't come to him, as he looked back at the lady.


The door pushed open as Y/n stepped in with a sigh of relief. "Alright, here is your new home, Connor." Y/n said with a hint of disappointment, as the android stepped in. Studying the room quickly, "Sorry, it's not the best..." he gave an awkward smile to the new guest

"It's quite alright, Y/n." Connor nodded.

"Well.." he turned fully to the bot, "kinda need this place cleaned, " he said, picking up some clothes. "Just pick up the trash, please." Y/n ordered as he walked out of the room.

Connor nodded at the command as he began to clean up the apartment.

1134 words

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now