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Y/n held the blanket close to his body, he felt tired, cold, but he also felt hot in some spots of his body. He was sick.. great

Y/n sighed as he curled up into a ball on the bed, he stayed in the position before removing the blanket from his body as he grew too hot, after another few mins he put the blanket around him again.

It repeated every so often, ticking him off in the slightest. Finally sitting up the navy blue blanket hanging off one side of him he huffed in annoyance, "Why does this have to happen now?" He said to himself as he got to the side of his bed, touching the floor below that was a little cold to the touch. Putting his feet on the ground blanket still around Y/n made his way over to the door of his room and opened it.

He gazed across the room for a familiar object but no where in sight.

Great, probably went to try something... Y/n sighed as he walked through the empty apartment, his body cold, his head pounding with a headache.

He made his way to the kitchen, opening the fridge slowly with little strength that remained. Feeling the cold blewagainst him that escaped the chambers he shivered. Y/n stared into the slightly empty fridge. "Thats where he went."

He sighed closing the door, as he scuffles across the kitchen to a cabinet for a snack, opening it with a harsh tug his eyes spotted the cookie box. With a swift motion he grabbed the box and closed the cabinet, as he shuffled out of the kitchen.

His hand already in the box, he grabbed one ready to eat. But a harsh grip stopped him, looking over his shoulder he saw the familiar face of a android. "Y/n that isnt going to help you get any better."

Y/n scoffed in defeat as he removed his hand from the box, handing over to Connor.

Glaring at the android, with a pout. Y/n crossed his arms and scoffed again, "now go back into your room while I get your medicine and actual food ready." Connor said with a hint of worry in his voice that would always seems monotone at times...

Turning heel, y/n went back to his room still gripping the blanket tightly around him like its his clothes. Opening his door fully, his head still pounding, his body still warm but cold on and off, and the AMAZING feeling in his stomach and throat.

He sat on the edge of the bed, as his eyes stared out into the other area of the apartment watching his android walk around doing things, scooting a bit back to the middle of the bed he laid down on his back slowly to bot upset anything else in his body. "Connor." He called out

"Yes, y/n."

"Did you check my temperature."

"Yes, and it was 101.3 Fahrenheit. "

His eyes widened at that, Y/n had never gotten that badly sick. His head shot up but laid down when the headache came back from the sudden movement, "I also recommand not moving for a little as it seems you have a headache."

"No dipshit sherlock!"

There was a pause, "Y/n you said you'd stop cussing alot now be a perfect time."

"..." Y/ns eyes rolled as he stared up at the ceiling.

After a few mins of sitting in silence, Connors footsteps entered the room. Y/n sat up easily as he stared at the bot who was carrying a bowl with a spoon in it, along with medicine in the other hand. His eyes caught the steam coming from the bowl, "Connor doesnt that burn?" He asked slightly confused.

"No, as an android we sometimes dont feel the pain or burning sensation of say a hot bowl like humans do."  He said placing the bowl down onto nightstand closes to y/n.

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now