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It's almost October, almost two month of having Connor... Y/n stopped typing ad his mind became blank on what to write in his daily diary online, he shrugged as he saved and closed the tab with a sigh. He has been rather bored as of late staying inside for a full week and Connor not doing much as Y/n didnt really go out due to work and other things.

With a sigh he looked at the slightly open door afore him hearing Connor moving around as of cleaning the place, Y/n smiled a little before turning off his computer and leaving the room.

"Connor what is the weather like today?" He asked walking out of the room stretching his arms out feeling his bone pop a little.

"Rsther chilly today, its 62 degrees Fahrenheit but it will drop near the 50s tonight with a light rain." Connor replied with the command he received.

"Alright." Y/n walked past the couch in the living room.

He stopped at the door, grabbing a heavy jacket. "Well it seems nice and work is holding off, shall we go for a walk." He said putting the jacket on.

"Sure," Connor said as he placed the garbage into the trash can. "But you may need this." The android gave Y/n a r/c beanie. "Last time we went out your ears were almost frozen."

"Right." Y/n's eyes rolled with a chuckle.

Opening the door, the two left the apartment for another little adventure.


It's been an hour as of being outside and walking around the park, seeing very little people but some androids walking around, "So Connor let me ask this, do you have a cold resistance or a built in heater." Y/n looked at him with curiously.

"Didnt the sales android not tell you?" Connor replied.

"I dont really remember."

"We androids are built for cold and hot weather, and sometimes if needed you can have an android with a heating and cooling system in there body."

"Do you have one?

"Of course."

Impressed Y/n removed his hand from his pocket holding it out, "prove it." Without a second thought.

Connors hand grasped his own, feeling the warmth around his hand. Y/n's face felt a little hot too, after a few short moments of that touch the Andriod released his hold in his hand.

"Your face is red as are you alright?" Connor asked.

Y/n nodded previously.

They kept on with their walk.


Returning home, Y/n was freezing a little. The warmth air of the apartment made him groan in relief, throwing himself on the couch he sighed. "Ah, pure warmth.."

The android chuckled putting a few bags of groceries onto the counter, "you are the one who wanted to walk out.

"Whatever.." y/n said his voice muffled by a blanket wrapped around him.

Y/n laid there in the blanket, on the couch staring at tv afore him. He sat up still keeping his gaze on it, "Are you still feeling cold?" Connor said, as he was behind the couch which surprised him.

"Yeah.. well just my ears are a little col-" warm hands covered y/n's ears slowly, the noises around his become muffled. His ears began to feel warmth but not Connors but his own.

He could hear his own heart pounding, after a few seconds Connor removed his hands from Y/n's ears. "I sensed your heart was pounding st a fast rate, are you alright?" He asked

"Yeah, was just surprised." He half lied.

Connor nodded as he left to do his chores, y/n sat there speechless and embarrassed. He turned the tv on with the the remote and began to watch it.



DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now