Tis a drink is too much

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Y/n felt his head spin, with each step he took down the hallway. As the hall is self seemes to twist and turn as if an illusion. Slamming his shoulder into the wall with a quiet groan, as he used his right hand to rub his face the best he could. His eyes gaining its sights once again, as he just rode along the wall to a door he knew all to well.

Upon reaching it, he reached out to the door knob only for his hand to slip on it a few times. Its locked dumbass...

Grumbling, Y/n felt in his pockets for a pair of familiar keys. Only a short moment later he pulled out the metal saviour trying to find the right pair as he has more than 1 on that chain. Getting a bit heated, due to alcohol in his system. With one final try he was able to find them

With a quick click the door had finally opened, pushing it into a cold room. Rather odd it's never cold..?

Shaking it off y/n went inside as he closed the door behind him with a harsh motion reaching down some how without falling untying his dirty, wet shoes. Kicking them off after untying both to the side as he socked feet walked to the carpeted side of the apartment closest. The 'living room' as he plopped himself onto the couch almost falling into the couch he caught himself only to feel an object, it felt.. weird...?

He felt a bit more, he felt a fabric like.. p


The hell did he invite someone over and forgot? Y/n has done it before it was an awkward morning the next but was situated. His eyes were trying to still see in the dark but the alchohol kept screwing it up.

His eyes trying to focus on the object, but something caught his eyes. A piercing yellow flashing, yellowing flashing..

"Lights on." Y/n said with a slur.

He was blinded by the new source of light that shined throughout the apartment. His eyes adjusting with a few blinks and a rub to them. Y/n was finally able to see, but it be best if he didnt really.


The poor, confused android laid there on the couch, with a confused or embarrassed look plastered upon his face, the light on his temple flashing yellow and back to blue. The two males stared each other down as the awkwardness of the silence filled their ears and senses. A little bit for y/n though.

Feeling his whole body turn into a blaze, y/n backed up quickly almost falling off the couch as Connor sat up to try and kept the drunk man from falling off the sofa.

The two havent moved in a while, as Y/n face still burned with embarrassment and a bit of shame, he literally touch Connor. Hopefully not anywhere close near the crotch.. or butt...

He does have a nice butt though...

Shaking his head mentally, he stood up quickly from the couch. Only for the remaining bit of alcohol and blood rushed away from his brain causing him to almost fall, Connor once again coming to the rescue.

This didnt help Y/n situation, as he felt more weirder and WERIDER by his.. touch?

"Are you alright Y/n?" Connor used his usual term. Normal by now but it still felt off sometimes.

"I-I'm fine Connor, l-l let me go please." He stuttered his sentence mentally slapping himself for this.

Connor helped him stand fully, as Y/n got his balance.

"G-good night Connor.." Y/n brushed past the bot trying to quickly get away from him.

Finally reaching his room, he tried to close it softly but still felt drunk with a bit more force into the closing.

Connor stood, with now concerned on his face staring at the door.

His light shining it's normal blue.

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now