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Y/n sat at his desk in his other room, thinking of an idea when the door creaked open and a familiar android poked his head in, "Hello y/n, it is 78 degrees Fahrenheit today a perfect walking temperature, would you like to go for a walk?" He asked with a smile.

Looking at the clock next to his computer, 2:12 PM.

"Alright," he responded, Connor left the door open as Y/n turned off his computer.

At the entrance of the apartment waiting, Connor, had Y/n's jacket in hand. Soon he came out of his bedroom, wearing a casual but warm ish outfit. Getting close to Connor and taking his jacket, the android opened the door as y/n put his jacket on and went out first Connor following after.


Making their way back to the park they at earlier with lot more humans and androids out and about, Y/n hummed a quiet tune as Connor followed in short. Making their way slowly through, but something had caught y/n's eye. There was a group of civilians standing at the other end of the park shouting, "what's going on over there?" He said stopping, Connor also looked over.

"A group of people who are against Androids." Connor responded, his light flickering to yellow.

Suddenly the yelling got louder, as a man and another but seemed to be an android were pushed by the group, "HEY" Y/N shouted as he ran towards the group. Connor following in pursuit, Y/n shoved one of the protesters away from the man and his android.

"You got a problem picking on a man and his android causally walking by?" He snapped at the group.

"Maybe the man should watch where he goes with that plastic piece of shit!" One threw a can at android.

"Stop it dumbass!" Y/n yelled.

There was a loud smack, Connor stood not far from the group as he watched Y/n get punched. He was on the ground holding his nose, blood dripped from his hand.

Sirens blared, and moments later a couple officers showed up dealing with the rest, the men who hit y/n was arrested, the group disbanded from the park, the man and android thanked Y/n and offered to buy dinner but he refused.


Sitting on the couch with a tissues up both nostrils, y/n watched tv in a little bit of pain but it qasnt much. Though something bothered him,


As soon as they got home, Y/n held his nose. "He got me good, holy damn." He cursed through gritted teeth.

He than sat on the couch holding his nose as Connor went around the house to find tissues, coming back he sat beside Y/n.

"Please remove your hand from your nose, and I'll look at it." Connor said, as his medical program must be kicking into gear.

Removing his hand, his nose wasnt broken but bleeding heavily. The blood dripped to y/n's mouth, taking a few tissues the bot wiped the blood away carefully to not injury him more, but he did something that caused Y/ns heart to race. Swiping his finger across the blood that still came out of his nose, Connor than licked the blood for no reason.


that memory replayed once again in his head, the hell was that for?

The news channel popped up, as the newest on androids played.
"Good evening, in tonight's news we have a an important update tonight, as of a month ago a man was supposedly killed by his android due to poor health, now there is more a couple more cases of these are being releasing to the public. Homicides chased by Androids who are now called deviants, no one knows what causes androids to go crazy. Anyways that all on androids now with the sports."

Y/n turned the tv off, as he starred at the dark screen in front of him. "Deviant..." he whispered under his breath, quiet footsteps echoed throughout the home. "Y/n are you alright, I sense you are under stress." Connor yelled out from the bathroom.

"I'm fine, just saw something scary that's it." He lied.


Y/n laid in his bed in thought, he couldn't stop thinking about the word deviant. His fan ran quietly as the rest of the apartment was quiet. It seems Connor went into sleep mode for tonight, he sat up from his bed looking out the window sighing. Grabbing his vape slowly making his way to his balcony through the living room, he saw Connors 6ft tall form in the corner not moving. Y/n slowly opened the balcony door as a cold breeze pushed against him as a new entrance for the cold art entered.

Walking out with a baggy shirt and sweat pants, covered in a heavy blanket. He closed the door gently behind him, taking a deep breath of the cold art. Pressing down on the button as he sucked in the vape, shortly blowing it out in O's. As he watched his little creations fade away, "deviants..." he said it to himself again.

Would Connor be like them? No it cant he is a brand new model, but it doesnt mean he could still be a deviant waiting for the right moment to kill him. What if WHAT IF..

A hand was gently placed on Y/n's shoulder, causing him to jump. Hooked over his shoulder seeing Connor there with a concerned look.

"Its cold and late Y/n, come inside." He said.

"I'm fine Connor just needed a breather."

"Is your room-"

"Connor, please just leave me." He snapped but his voice quivered towards the end.

Connor nodded leaving Y/n alone for the night.

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now