Family part 2

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His parents have been here for 2 his head already starting to pound from not vaping but hopefully he can manage he has 1 more days anyways.

His father also doesnt seem to be bothered, which is also good hut something kept nicking at Y/n though seeing a few glances towards his father as he stared down Connor with disgusted even with his presence. Connor and his mother where in the kitchen making small talk as they made a late lunch, his father was on the couch watching the news.

There was a ding, it was quiet but still loud enough for Y/n to hear. Pulling out of his hoodie pocket he saw he got a text, a close friend of his along with a band member. Its surprising people now and days still listen to rock and such but what can you do,

You ready for tonight?

Yeah, though there is a slight problem my parents are here and basically no nothing about the band.

Dude, you literally almost 24 I dont think you parents wouldn't mind a hobby that brings in cash.

True but my parents are a little crazy man.

If they are you are fucked. 😂🤣

Whatever, anyways I'll be coming either way I'm just scared also Connor my dad doesnt like him it seems.

So what? If they even damage Connor he is under that protection plan right?

Yeah but they wipe their memories!



Ending the texting there he out his phone away, a little fired up now. With a loud sigh he began to walk to his room when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Turning his head back a slight to see Connor standing there with his netural face, his light flashing a little yellow. With a slight confusion Y/n glanced over to the kitchen past Connor shoulder to see his mother gone.

"Where are they.." Y/n whispered

"They are in the living room eating but.."

"Y/n, you coming honey?" His mother poked around the corner of the hall way.

"Yeah mom give me a second." He responded

Y/n looked at Connor once more with a now worried look seeing his light flickering between blue and yellow. Grabbing Connors hand he dragged the Andriod into his little office room.

Closing the door behind them, Y/n just stared at the yellow light that glowed on Connors head. "What's wrong Connor?"

"I am going to have my memory erased?"

His heart dropped to his stomach, Connor was somehow able to see the messages from Josh.

"How do you know..."

"Am I going to be erased?" There was a sudden flicker of red, but it changed to yellow once more.

"Connor you wont be or ever be erased, I promise you that."

Y/n stared the bot straight in the face, seeing the androids now just ever see an actual expression.


Fear plasted across Connor face as he also stare at his master. With that silence filled the room, as both human and Andriod stared each other down with emotions ready to break their outer shells of their former selves. When there was a quiet knocking on the door of the room.

"Y/n honey, is everything alright?" His mother voice was behind the door with a hint of curiosity and worry.

"Yeah I'm fine mom." He responded quickly still looking at Connor.

His light was flickering yellow and blue once more, and with the most radical decision he has made so far.

Y/n placed his hand on Connor shoulder squeezing it gently though.

"You are in a safe place Connor, I will always make sure of that." He said with a smile but deep down he couldn't always keep that promise when going places or as of his family what would they do...


Next day

"The concert went great last night, expect for the random show thrown at Kyler the main singer luckily he dodged it." Y/n said drinking a cup of (coffee or tea your choice :3).

"That's good dear, atleast you have fun at what you love." His mother said while she moved her suitcase to the front door. His father already left down to the rental car getting ready to leave.

Placing her stuff by the door, she turned to her son giving him a hug. Returning the hug as it last longer than it should she release her grip on him as well he did too.

"Remember if anything happens or if you need anything please call us." She said with a smile.

"I will mom, dont worry." He smile back.

Connor was in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast mess of this morning. He eyed them though from the distance, "do you need help mrs. L/n?" Connor asked.

"I think I got Connor thank you." She respond.

Though she moved towards the kitchen, this confused both of the boys as Connor placed down the dish he was about to clean. She came up and gave him a hug.

Connor feeling quite surprised, he almost forgot to hug back.

She let of him with a soft smile, "take care of Y/n and make sure he doesnt get into trouble."

He nod as Y/n mother went to the door. Grabbing the handle of the door opening it along with grabbing her bags best she could.

"By the way, your house smells heavily of smoke." She than left with the door closing behind her.

Connor turned slowly to Y/n.

Y/n stood by the door, shaking a little.

"Well shit.."

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now