Just a question..

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Owo what's this?

Fluff warning kids

Y/n sat on the couch within the living room, checking social media and seeing anything that's new within the world.

The quiet noise of a lowered TV muttered in the back ground of some type of show he landed upon and forgot about, though the shuffling in the kitchen was still quiet.

Scrolling through Y/n mind went places he shouldnt have been thinking of, causing his heart to race..

"Y/n are you alright?" Came the Andriods voice from the kitchen, "your heart level is rising once again."

Causing him to snap out of it, and glance over the coach his face a little red. "Yeah.. I'm fine Connor." He respond looking back at his phone

Causing the apartment to become quiet once more, as the two went back to their 'jobs'


Y/n laid in his room, glancing over to his digital clock reading 10:39 PM. Causing him to sigh lightly, ad he rolled over to the other side of his bed trying to make himself drift off, yet nothing would work.

Causing the Male to groan in agony and annoyance, sitting up in his bed staring out the door that was wide open. Placing his head into his open palm where his arm landed on his knee as he thought heavily.

Having Connor for almost a full year has changed y/n life in a very good way though. It helped him keep his house clean, dealt with the Bill's and such but the best was when handling his parents thank God. But throughout this year he has always wondered the big question.

What's it like to kiss an Andriod? Does it feel like kissing a human? Well there is stripe clubs with andriods and humans and y/n has been to many human ones that still run in detriot but never stepped close to an Andriod one.

One of his friends have, and it feels but he didnt wanna even hear it.

There was a knock that had caught the attention of y/n as he looked at the door, Connor afore him.

"You seem to have trouble sleeping, do you need my help?" Connor asked.

Shaking his head, but than another idea sparked in his head staring directly at the bot.

"Connor, can you come here though."

Connor obliged coming closer to the bed, his face still neutral. Y/n mind was racing still heavily along with his heart.

"Your heart is racing again, are you sure your alright." He asked

He will never stop will he?

"I'm fine, but can you.. close your eyes?"

Connor paused for a moment, y/n though he have to ask again but he did.

Almost causing Y/n to giggle at his 'genius' plan, as he moved towards the end of the bed. He was only a few inches shorter than the andriod but he still stood up on the bed that did give him a better chance at being taller than him.

"When should I open my eyes, Y/n?" Connor asked his light getting close to a yellow which concerned him.

"A bit longer Connor."

Bitting his lip, Y/n studied the Andriods face. He was eager to touch it but he held his hand back, as he looked over his face his eyes landed on his lips.

They looked soft, the color ration was that of a humans, it just looked all human with no problem to it. Connor breathing was light and calming, was the nedt thing that had caught his attention along with the light that stayed blue that shined brightly.

With a careful movement y/n place his hand upon the Andriods face, causing Connor to flinch at the feeling. In which his eyes open quickly.

The two were very close to each other, just mere inches. As y/n heart rate risen up staring into Connors eyes, brown eyes staring back into his own. Causing him to gulp.


Was all y/n felt on his lips, pressed against Connors it felt so real and pleasing.

Connor though was kissing back which had surprised him, using his arms to wrap around his neck to try and pull the bot closer. Causing him to open up as the make out progressed into a more heated way, as arms wrapped around y/n waist causing him to stay in place.

But after a bit the two separated, from the kiss leaving the males panting heavily. Y/n placing his forehead against the Andriods.

Guess that can be one thing checked off the bucket list..

Opening his eyes once more, y/n stared into Connors eyes. Nothing really seemed to change as they are just nothing but things they see and no emotion..

There was a sudden tug at his lower end, being lifted up by Connor causing him to gasp in surprise, making his grip around Connors neck tighter. Connor lowering his head near y/n neck and began to nibble and lick at it. In which Y/n startled moan at the sudden feeling at his neck.

A tight squeeze on his rear causing a jolt of surprise to the human. The android pulled away from Y/n's neck, his light shining that blue color.

The two stared at each other which felt like an eternity to Y/n, using his arms around the Andriods next he drew him in for another harsh kiss as he was hungry for more, as he felt a hand remove from his rear and feeling softness on his back. Connor had put them on the bed fully as the two still fought harshly during the makeout session.

A hand snaked up the humans shirt rubbing against his stomach gently, as it worked it way up the his chest. As he felt a sudden flick to a nub, causing the male human to moan into the kiss for it only to break for a short moment as the other hand from rear had moved it's way up his body causing his shirt to reveal more of his body to the Andriod afore him. Causing a tingle in Y/n spin as Connors eyes raked down his body with love saked eyes some how.

The bot started low, quite low, close to Y/n pants hem kissing his way up the males body slowly as his right hand still played with this nipple and the other holding the shirt in place to get a taste of this human desert.

Stopping in the center of his chest with a quick peck, Connor moved back to Y/n lips as his left hand lowers to a certain spot that begs of attention.  Causing Y/n to squirm at the sudden touch in which causing Connor to chuckle. He pulls away from the panting human below him

"Y/n.." His voice was different a good type different.

"Time to wake up.." He said with a smirk.


Y/n groaned as an alarm rang in his ears, with a sudden pain in his head. Causing him to smack around for the clock. Within a few moments he sat up a headache pounding against his skull as he held his head with one hand.

His eyes glancing at the time, 7:50 AM.

Though something felt rather off to him. Causing him to look around the room for anything he messed up the night before, yet nothing. His eyes wondered to the his bed, nothing still hasn't caught his attention.

Though he felt a bit of.. hotness in an area, lifting his sheets he looked.

He is going to take a shower this morning.

A very cold one



Get blocked kids

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