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Though it was now day, the heavy atmosphere still hung in the air as Y/n left his room once more. He'd glance back to the 'sleeping' android who hasn't moved from his bed since the night before.

Connor hasn't moved much either, Y/n had to basically drag the bot into his bed they did nothing of course but stare, sure it was awkward and tense but it still held its comfort and need. Y/n did pass out though in the arms of the Andriod.

Y/n looked towards the tv in the living room contemplating either to turn it on or keep it off, that would be the only thing cutting the human from the real world other than stepping outside. He made his way into the kitchen opening the fridge as it hummed quietly at the opening, his eyes starred at the items that were packed away waiting for their consumption.

His ears were strained hearing sudden movement from the bedroom, he looked over. There was silence before Connor finally stepped from the room, his light full blue but he still held a concern look. Looking over to the Kitchen Connor let out a sigh of relief but he still didnt know what to do at this point.

"Morning Connor." Y/n said with a smile closing the fridge doors, turning himself fully to the Andriod.

"Good morning... Y/n" Connor responded quickly, he just stood there awkwardly as the human made his way over to the bot.

There was a pause as the two stared at each other once more, in the quiet safety of their home. Y/n still held his smile, but a sudden burst of movement from the Andriod caused him to tense, only for Connor to hug Y/n tightly.

Hugging back they stood in pure silence nothing more.

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now