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With a slam of the front door, Y/n slid down the wooden surface that protectd him from he outside world.

His heart beat heavily against his chest, as his breathing wasn't any better his mind though raced with a thousand thoughts and or ideas of what has happened eariler.


His friends.

Those androids... more or less called 'Deviants' for what the media calls them.

He gripped the electric stick in his mouth pressing the button heavily as he took in the stress relief. Only for him to cough heavily his breath filled with smoke, as the home that was once quiet filled with rapding coughing.

Slamming his hand into the floor beneath as his coughing fit ceased a noise from across the apartment caught the human by surprise, a familar walk pattern came closer to him. "Y/n, are you alright?" Connor voice rang in the males ears as he'd clear his throat from all the coughing.

"Yes Connor, I am fine just a little stressed.." Y/n replied throat still a little dry from coughing his lungs out.

Connor was soon in front of his human, scanning for any possible injuries or threats to Y/n. "You're heart rate is rather high, did you run?" The andriod pressed on as he helped the human male up.

"Connor I am fine, I promise." Y/n replied rather quickly, hiding the electric stuck from Connor only to bring no luck.

With a tug at his hand that held the stick, Y/n was caught by surprise by the Andriods quick movements sure the bots are suppose to be this fast due to reaction but he hasn't seen Connor do this before. Holding Y/n hand tightly in his Connor stared at him for a short moment trying to take the stick away from the human.

"Connor let go." Y/n let a huff of annoyance as he tried to keep the vape on his hand.

"This vape has been causing you trouble lately, please allow me to stash it away for now." Connor pleaded with Y/n.

Tugging his hand from the andriod, only for him to tug back his direction. "Connor." Said with gritted teeth at this point.

Connors light began to flash yellow, more like a pulse. The expression on the Andriods face spoke many things to Y/n as he just stared at him.

"Fucking fine," he'd shove the bot away from him with his clutch hand "take the vape I dont care." With hiss of annoyance as he stormed off to his own room slamming the door with such force.

Connor stood there, upset his Andriod mind running with thoughts he had many times before. Becoming Deviant and breaking from his mold of programming, he dare not to anger Y/n understanding that his brothers and sisters have been through hell with standing or doing something wrong in their masters eye.

But Y/n is special, sure he has anger but he has a pure of heart. Or so he hopes.


Y/n laid in his bed, many hours of sitting in darkness with little outside light beaming through the cracks of the blinds. His body ached from the stress of the day and now his relief was gone. He had nothing much else other than his phone to keep company but he was also growing rather hungry, though Y/n dares to not leave his room in seeing Connor. The human was still rather pissed with his Andriod, why would Connor do such a thing?

Glancing over to the familar clock on his night stand it read.

4:24 AM

"Damn." He scoffed holding his stomach as he felt it grumble for food once more. Looking to the door he slammed many hours ago that hid him from the real world, he doesnt want to open and face that reality yet.

Feeling a tiny bit of courage the human male stood up from his bed as he walked to the door, the temptation to just grab the handle urged him on as he opened the door slowly and carefully, pushing himself out of his room his eyes adjusting slowly to the darkness around him.

Seeing no figure of familiarization Y/n pressed on to the kitchen portion of the apartment he'd feel around the wall for the fridge who was his best friend sometimes in the night, unknowing where Connor even sleeps most of the time. Sure he found him on the couch only once due to his drunk ass.

Grabbing the handle of fridge he gently opened it as the beam of light  broke the eerie darkness of the apartment in its wake. Covering his eyes from the sudden brightness of the fridge he'd glance through his fingers, seeing the contents inside.

But something was off to Y/n, the feeling of being watched. Shit, did someone break in? Did he even lock the front door?

Turning himself around in a quick movement the light from the frozen chest showed what Y/n felt off about, it was Connor standing there his light was still yellow.

Sighing in relief by the familar andriod he turned himself around fully before closing the fridge behind him, the two eyes locked bot and human.

Two completely different races but yet they are in the same in some way.

"I'm sorry-" the two blurted in unison.

Awkwardness filled the air in large room. Y/n shuffled himself away from the fridge making his way back quickly but only to be stopped when a hand grabed his elbow.

"Y'n wait-" Connor let out before his grip was torn from Y'ns arm.

"Connor let me sleep" the human would responded glancing back over his shoulder.

"Please." The Andriod grabbed the males arm with a bit of more force this time.

"Connor..." Y/n felt a bit of rush in his heart.

The two still locking eyes as the tension grew more, becoming silent once again but with another tug at Connors hand he was pulled close to the Andriod.

The humans mind raced for a glimpse of yellow flashes in his eyes before a moment of warmth filled him.

Warmth from lips.

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now