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Only it being a short while, Detroit. The city its self is afalling to pieces before Y/n and Connors eyes, many people protesting against the fate of many andriods due to recent events around the area.

Y/n looked out the window of his apartment once more before looking back to his android who was on the couch in thought, the human let out a huff before pulling out the vape pen once more.

They already moved the androids thanks to his band, moving them to Canada it was tough though. The memories of that first night still rush through Y/n as he took in the sweet nicotine.


The crowd of people at the border was massive, those fleeing to cross the border at peace and get away from the destruction of Detroit, it was their only chance to move these Andriods before they added those Andriod dectors.

Y/n stood outside in case, he needed to cause a scene of some sorts along with Danny who was taking a hit from his own pen, letting out the smoke from his nose he turned to Y/n

"You think this will work?" Danny asked.

Y/n nodded as he kept staring forward, his attention somewhere else he worried for Connor back at home. Sure no one can get into the apartment without access but he feared that his own neighbors may do something.

"Talk man, you havent been this quiet since that girl broke your heart." Dan let out a snicker when he felt a punch to his shoulder, "shut it."

The two bickered until the front doors opened with Matt and Kyler stepping out of the building with smiles, the other band members went to the others.

Giving each other a fidt bump of victory with their first successful mission. "We have to be careful now though," Kyler stated with a stern face.

The three nodded to their band leader, "soon they will add those Andriod dector things, and after that it wont be as easy."


Letting the smoke escape from his mouth he dared to look back at Connor, who was dressed differently than his usual CyberLife outfit. After hanging with many deviant androids they were able to take out Connors LED. Which caused no pain to the bot but it caused more worry for Y/n

"Y/n." Connor finally called out from the living room.

The tv was blaring by the time, dare he stopped in his tracks he watched the news carefully causing his heart rate to accelerate into high gear. Though it sounded like muffled, dare he were to really try and listen.

Connor stared at the screen, his own android mind raced.

There stood an Andriod with no skin to hide it identity, his words ran through Connor like a train whislt Y/n stood in shock but was finally able to hear it.

"We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a future for humans and Andriods."

Y/n glanced towards Connor who was still glued to the screen.

"This message is of the hope of the people. You gave us life, and now the time for you to give us our freedom."

And then it stops, the broadcast ceased. Before the news stations began to blare, grabbing the remote Y/n shut the tv off quickly.

Panting heavily he turned his attention to Connor who was in awe.

The room was silent once more as both Human and Machine's life or death trial begins.
Ah the means of this game I love them! As for sad to say this story will be coming to a close soon, and i really want to thank y'all for the support and love for this story and my other that I am sadly not working on anymore lol.

So that means that I will have to have more stories to come! Hopefully I dont want a dead account gdi. So please if any suggestion for Character x Male reader Let ME KNOW!! Plz comment k lol

Love you all ty again KISSES 😘💙

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