Family Part 1

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Ah hell...

Last name =y/n

Y/n ran around the house like a mad man making sure everything was in place. Connor walked around calmly as he cleaned up his masters mess from the night before.

Today was the day Y/n parents were coming over to visit their favorite son, and only son along with being the youngest.

Y/n ran for the bathroom as he straighten his shirt up a bit.

"Y/n what should I do with your vape?" Connors voice called out from the living room.

Oh shit they dont know and dont NEED TO KNOW! Y/n hurriedly walked to the living room where his lovley vape sat in his Andriods hand, taking it quickly and stuffing it into his Jean pocket "Parents do not, and don't need too" he said with a sigh

"Understood." Connor spoke "the living room, dining room, and your spare bedroom is clean." He added

"Ok, they wont mind the bathroom really so everything is good."

He was about to his vape out to get a quickie when there was a buzz at the door, shit. Y/n put his vape away back in his pocket walking to the little screen near the door. He pressed the button on said screen as it lit up with the video of the front of the apartment.

His parents faces were there. He sighed happily as he spoke "Hi mom and dad."

"Hi honey, can we come in?" His mother asked.

"No mom of course you cant." He snickered pressing another button that allowed them in.


A few short mins there was a knock st the door, Y/n straighten his shirt up once more before opening it, there afore him. His parents stood who he hasn't seen in a year.

He hugged both of them tightly, while his left cheek was kissed by his mother.

"How is my darling son." She said with a soft smile holding her sons cheeks.

"Perfetcly fine."

He felt a bump on his shoulder, his father had entered the house.

"Seems you kept it in good shape." His father spoke with disbelief.

Getting away from his mother's loving grip he stood in front of his parents

"Yes, with the help of my..." he paused

"Hello, I am Connor. I am your sons Andriod." Connors voice echoed through the silent room.

His father stared at the Android afore him with glare, the room grew quiet once more.

"L-lets sit down while Connor makes us d-dinner!" Y/n said happily and a little loud as he pointed to his couch and waving his other to it.

His parents obliged and went to sit on the couch, y/n walked over to his android.

"Forgot to mention, my father doesnt really.." he paused looking back "like androids so keep your distance." He whispered,

Connor nodded "what shall I cook tonight." He asked.

Y/n turned to his parents who were looking now. "So what would you guys like?" He gave a sheepish smile

"Spaghetti sound good dear?" His mother asked her husband.

He nodded looking at her with a smile but lost it turning back to his son. "How long will it take?"


"It will approximately take about 8 to 12 minutes Mr L/n." Connor responded quickly.

His father nodded with a stern look.

"Let me show you guys around and take you to your room also." Y/n said grabbing the bags near the door.

The three humans left the living room as his master left it, he frowned a slight not seeing him but he had a job to do Make spaghetti.


The three sat at the small table in the corner of the kitchen eating happily.

"I must say," his mother paused to wipe her mouth with a napkin "this was very good." She smiled.

"Not half bad for a android cook." His father said taking another bite.

Y/n nodded at complements for his android, as Connor was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes he used so far.

"Connor what is the time?" Y/n called out.

"9:34 PM Y/n." He responded looking over his shoulder.

"Its rather late for me goodness." His mother let out a giggle standing up from the table.

Y/n nodded, his father also stood up with her. They left the room as they entered the guest bedroom, hearing the door close gently he sighed heavily slumping in the chair.

"Oh my God its over." He looked at the ceiling.

"Yout rate heart has return to normal as well your personality." Connor said picking up the last of the dishes on the table.


Y/n picked up his vape from his pocket, taking a massive amount and puffing it out. "Sweet release." He wheezed feeling it kick in a bit.

"Should you be going to be too also?" Connor said.

He nodded standing up from the table, he starred at his android for a moment. Connor stared at him with curiousty, "can you put the plates down for a second?" He asked

Connor nodded at the command putting them back on the table, it grew awkward and silent once more.

Y/n went in, he hugged Connor tightly "thank you Connor."

There was a pause, y/n glanced up seeing Connors light flicker yellow, but his eyes wondered to his face.

Y/n's flared up as he step back quick. Clearing his throat.

"Your face is hot, along with your heart is racing more. Are you alright Y/n?" Connor asked his light still yellow.


"Are you sure?"

Connor never went that far to ask..? Y/n nodded firmly "I'm fine Connor just dont worry about it."

Connor nodded

"Good night Connor." Y/n said.

"Goodnight y/n."

Y/n entered his room, and closed his door.

Connor stood there in the now darken living room, his light still yellow.

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now