Band Practice

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Being apart of small band made just for money, ladies, and entertainment proposes.

Or so Y/n thinks after every practice or perform at clubs that would even allow their band to play, the others would go back stage and invite people to party till sun rises or till the owner kicks them out for being too stupidly drunk. It's happened before.

Y/n sat outside of the club, after performing for the 5th time there this month brings lots of people in sometimes though it's the same as always nothing really new.

Pulling up his phone, and turning it on he begins to skim through his social media accounts for anything new or spicy to light up the late night. Though for the past week something has been digging at him.

That dream.

He can remember a few parts of it surprisingly, and his body remember every single moment of it some how. He paused for a moment looking off in a random direction of the street watching the very little amount of people walking it at night. And some cars even passing by.

There was a sudden touch on his shoulder causing Y/n to turn his head quick to only see a friend of his.


"Hey man, you good?" Concern with a bit of alchohol lanced in his voice.

"I'm fine Danny but are you?" He asked with smirk.

Danny let out a small laugh as he sat by his friend the other hand holding a bottle half empty.

"It takes more than this to scrww me over, remember that." He smirked taking another sip from the glass skinny container.

Y/n chuckled as he look at the time on his phone, seeing it was past 3 am. The two became quiet after a short moment as they both gazed out into the open, dark street. As a sudden buzz came from the drunk males phone as he tried to pull it out with his other hand.

He'd put the phone to his ear.

"Hello." Danny began talking standing up slowly to make sure he doesnt fall or loose his alcohol bottle. Waving his hand to Y/n before going back in.

Y/n waved back with a smile watching Danny go back inside for something important.


A beeping noise caused Y/n to sigh loudly as his hand slapped around the end table near his bed. Finally turning off the clock the tired male sat up shirtless, rubbing his face with annoyance from the night before but luckily never got drunk to get a hangover again. He looked around the room just a gut feeling of dread came over him. What was today?

Why is the house so quiet?

Why hasn't Connor come in yet?

The blood starting to pump quickly through the males body, he stood from his bed only to fall over a few seconds later though his body wasnt fully prepared for a swift standup.

"Y/n?" The familiar voice called out with some concern with said thud.

"I'm ok Connor!" The human shouted as he slowly stood up this time.

Shaking it off, he'd walk over to the door of his bedroom for him to open it quickly seeing two familiar figures in the Kitchen area.

Danny came home with him last night.

Oh shit.

Scanning himself rather quickly seeing he still had no shirt on, the male rushed back into his room and grabbed a red plain shirt. With no sexual marks along his body he was in the clear.

"Hey, morning Y/n!" Danny said with a mouth full of food. The other human male seemed rather happy and joyful other than being on alcohol.

"Morning Dan, what happened last night?" He'd ask him sorting beside his best friend seeing a plate ready for him.

"Well keeping it short we got a bit tipsy, we came here crashed, you Andriod was nice enough to put us to bed I guess." Danny shrugged at the last part with a smirk.

"Oh. Thanks Connor" Y/n said with a smile to his bot.

Connor gave a little smile back to him as he cleaned up the kitchen.


It was close to night time once again, at the same place, same building they called it "Band Practice."

The building it self was in nice condition even though it was out of Detroit its self, with a reasonable size to go along with it. The band its self was rather pleased to find something slightly excluded from the public eye along with having some peace and quiet.

Y/n and Danny stood outside of the place, Danny holding his large guitar case that contained his most polished, loved item.

"So what's going on today?" He'd asked his best friend.

"Well it's a supposed 'super meeting'," Danny paused "I have no real clue though."

The male guitarist shrugged walking towards the entrance.

Y/n's eyes rolled as he followed the other human.

Walking into the building it self something seemed rather off to the men.

"Over here," a hushed whisper came from the corner of the room.

They turned towards the said hushed noise seeing another familiar male.

Matthew. The other guitarist, he seemed rather tired looking to them, as he waved his hand over to the other males.

With concern and curiosity eating at them, they preceded to follow Matt down a hallway stopping in front of a door they wish to never see.

Years before they bought this place, it was used as a murderer's hideout where they...

Let's just say the people were scattered..

But with enough eye witnesses and testimony the criminal was caught and was sentenced to death.

"Please dont say this anyone ok?" Matt broke the silence as he gripped the door handle.

Y/n and Danny nodded in unison awaiting for what ever waited for them.

Matthew finally opened the door, that lead down to a dark area. With his heart pounding Y/n entered first to the dark area, along with Matthew and Danny following after quite close.

Soon reaching the bottom it was still so deadly quiet even hearing breathing of them didnt make them any better, before a word could be spoke a bright light as turned on causing Y/n to become blind for a moment.

Covering his eyes and waiting after a bit he pulled back his arms away from his eyes.

The males heart dropped quickly to hos stomach, as his eyes caught everything all rapidly.


Alive and well all sitting by the wall or in the middle of the floor.

Some bruised up.

Some cut up.

Some have even have missing parts.

Y/n slowly turning his attention to another familiar male figure in the room.

"Danny, Y/n." The lead singer Kyler paused.

"I need your help."

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now