A day with Connor

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The bedroom was quiet, with the slight noise of the fan above running, the bright new day shining through the slightly opened blinds.

Y/n laid in his bed covered in blankets once again, a groan erupted the quiet, and the beast of the bed sat up from his slumber. Y/n stared at his clock again, seeing it was 10 am, grumbling. A soft knock at his bedroom surprised him, and the door opened a jar as a semi  familiar face popped in, "Good morning Y/n I have breakfast ready for you." The android backed away, his footsteps echoing slightly.

"Why do I have.." he said to himself, getting off his bed only for the memory returns to be replayed.

"I'll buy him." Y/n said with confidence.

The lady smile grew as she nodded. "Let me get a tablet, and we'll handle it from there." She walked away. He then turned back to the bot with a smile, "What to name.." he was cut off by the lady coming back in a hurry, as he signed things and paid. Luckily, in his price range, the lady and Y/n stood there

"RK800, register your name." The lady said as she waited patiently.

He took his time as he stared at his new android, the android also staring back with empty eyes. "Connor." Y/n said.

"My name is Connor." The android smiled.


Leaving his room smelling something he hasn't smelled in a long time, bacon and eggs. Y/n nood grew a little bit better as he got to his counter table to eat, he sat and began eating his food as his eyes wondered the room for Connor who was no where in sight.

After eating the breakfast, Y/n pulled out his phone. Seeing the time and whatever else was happening in the world, with a sigh of frustration, he got up from the chair. His phone was still in his hand as we moved around the apartment with boredom, Connor was nowhere in sight as if he didn't exist.

The front door of the apartment finally opened as Connor had returned from whatever he did, "Good morning, Y/n." He responded with a quick smile.

"Morning Connor, where did you go?" He asked with a hint of suspicion.

"I went to your locale grocery story to get you more healthy and fresh food." His arms raised with 3 bags in each hand.


Connor nodded as he walked back into the kitchen to put the food away, y/n made his way to put the plate in the sink and was about to begin cleaning, "I'll clean them when I'm done Y/n." Connor responded as he placed the last bits of food away. Y/n nodded slowly, making his way out of the kitchen to the living room, as he sat on the sofa.

Ready to reach for the remote only for it be turned on, "oh, I forgot to say, I am hooked up to electrical system within your apartment, along with your internet."

"Right, forgot about that." He gulped.

Hooked up to his internet, hope to god he doesn't look at the search history. Clearing his throat as he changed the channel to the news, the new blared about randomness of stocks and such.

Then something popped up, "In later news today, the famous artist (name) has passed away due to his Andriods abuse. The man passed away due to a heart attack, though." The new casters snapped at each other seeing who is right. The tv then shut itself off. A hand was placed on Y/n shoulder.

"You seem rather concern Y/n, are you alright?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

He nodded quickly, "Yeah..."

Connor looked out the window in front of them as he thought of a plan. Y/n felt his heart racing. "An android killed his master, that's insane... maybe I should -" His thought was caught off."Let's go outside and get some fresh air. It will help you relax." The male android recommended.

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now