Im off today

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A puff a smoke, escaping from Y/n's mouth. Starring at the tv screen in front of him today he was finally emailed he can take the day off, relieved he decided to use it as 'a sit back watch tv, and nothing else day.'

Now with an android in his home to do this things he didnt have to worry about much today, though he didnt wanna make Connor do everything... shaking his head, "Connor is built for this, it will be fine." He thought to himself, taking in another hit from his vape.

"Y/n, do you need anything from the store." Connor voice echoed from his bedroom signaling he done cleaning it.

"Already made a list for you," he said picking up his phone clicking a button on it "alright I got it." Connor walked out of the room making his way towards the front door. "I'll be back hopefully in 45 mins." He said with a smile, opening the door and closing it quickly.

"Bye..." y/n frowned st the lost of company but it shouldnt be long.


Y/n eyes still glued to the tv as a cartoon played. He stopped vaping a while ago, as he placed it down on the coffee table in front for safe keeping and to hold off on it for a bit, though it had been an hour and a half since Connor has left, sometimes he estimated times are wrong androids can be wrong too but something nagged at Y/n.

"I hope I didnt make him take to much.." he thought to himself but he huffed.

The front door clicked as it slowly opened, Y/n shot up from his spot. His breath got caught in his throat seeing his android, "Connor what the hell happened!" He demanded running to Connor. He had a cut on his cheek and his clothes were kinda messed up with little cuts.

"Protesters, I had sadly lost your groceries I am sorry." He said ignoring his own demise.

"I dont care! This is ridiculous." He grabbed his hand pulling him away from the door hitting it with his foot to close it. "Did you call the police?" He asked

"Yes I did and it was handled, I left after. But I forgot the-"

"Connor it is fine, we will get them later." He pointed to the couch. "Sit down." He snapped.

Connor followed the command quickly, as he sat on the couch. His unemotional face facing forward, awaiting for Y/n's commands. Though it didnt hurt Connor.

Y/n paced back and forth, the cut on Connors check covered it self but the bit of blood. "When did this happen?"

"It happened 30 mins ago."

"Did they do or say anything to you?"

Connor went silent, "psychical harm, but I cannot recall what was said it seems they hit something inside."

"Shit..." Y/n packed back and forth more faster.

"Do not worry Y/n I ordered new clothes and have done a system check," y/n stopped.

He turned towards Connor his eyes ready to spill hot tears, his face turning red in anger. "I dont fucking CARE." He snapped loudly, slamming him foot onto his floor.

Breathing heavily, as tears slowly streamed down his cheeks, Y/n body shook in anger. "If they wanted to THEY could have hurt you more or worse..." his voices cracked. His eyes were shut tightly his, fists clenched up, his mind ran with thoughts.

There was a sudden force around Y/n it felt warm and tight... opening his tear streaming eyes he saw the shoes and pants of the familiar android, only taking a few seconds to figure it out. Y/n threw his arms around the bot, as more tears came slightly soaking Connors shirt.


Soreness, was all Y/n felt in his eyes. Opening them slowly to a darken room with very little light that shined through the blinds, though there somethin else he felt. Something behind.... gulping turning his gaze slowly over his should he saw, his comforter against his body. Sighing in relief, as he stretched himself out of his position.

His hand hit something gently, it felt soft this confused him. Pushing his fingers through the softness? What in the hell is he touching.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" A voice said quietly, making him jump. 

"Who the... Connor w-what are you d-doing?" Y/n stuttered.

"I'm watching your vital signs, since your heart was racing along with your blood pressure rised, you also passed out on me and now your brushing my hair, are you alright?"

Y/n felt his face heat up, "are you sick? Your face is red." Connor asked.

"Just.... dont worry about Connor." Y/n responded.

Laying himself back down onto the bed with a heavy sigh. "Is it still my day off?" He asked

"Sadly you have slept through it." Connor responded.

"God damn it."

DBH Connor x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now