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A/N: This is my first story on Tokyo Ghoul. I hope whoever reads this will give some constructive criticism and help me make the story better. FYI this is a Kaneki x Akira fanfic.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Tokyo Ghoul. I wish I did though.

20th Ward, Tokyo, Japan

A young boy of 5 years stood next in the light of the open door. It is nighttime and the moonlight highlights his body. His clothes are stained with dried blood. His body is frozen with fear as his gray eyes stare sightlessly into the air. Next to him are the bodies of a man and woman with parts of them missing and some of their organs are strewn about on the floor. A man comes from behind as he picks up the boy by the neck. The man is tall and muscled with both his eyes glowing red. He gives a dark hum as he licks his lips. The boy doesn't struggle, his mind is nearly broken.

"Your parents were delicious. Now, time for my midnight snack!" The man said as he opened his mouth to bite.

A flash of silver and a pain-filled yell later, and the boy was on the ground and the man was clutching the stump of his left hand. He growled at the figure in front of him. It was a boy of roughly 16 with long purple hair and glasses wearing the CCG investigator coat.

"You fucking Dove! I'll eat you first!" The man growled as he lunged. The investigator nimbly dodged and slashed the man's side open with a straight single-edged blade with red streaks. The man grunted and grabbed his side as fresh blood flowed. The investigator nimbly sped forward and swung his blade slicing the man's head off.

The investigator clicked the side of the blade and it transformed into a suitcase. He looked at the boy and knelt next to the boy who was still in a state of shock. He tapped the radio in his ear.

"Command, this is Arima, Ghoul exterminated. Two civilian casualties and one child. Requesting a cleanup team."
The radio chirped, "Acknowledged, take the kid back to HQ and get him stabilized."
Arima nodded and looked at the scared child. He gave a gentle smile and took out a towel the wipe the blood off the boy's face.

"Can you hear me?" He asked. The boy nodded.
"My name is Kishou Arima. I'm a Ghoul Investigator. I'd like to bring you to our headquarters for your safety. Can you walk?"
The boy nodded once more. Arima offered a hand and the boy took it as he looked at the two corpses before falling back to his knees and crying. Arima frowned and wrapped an arm around the boy's shoulders before picking him up.

Later at the CCG HQ for the 20th Ward...

The boy was seated on a chair with a blanket around him, his eyes bloodshot from crying, with Arima seated next to him. The boy occasionally gave shuddering sob while Arima rubbed his back comfortingly. An older investigator and a tall man came in and gave a nod to Arima. The man had long white hair and one eye was wider than the other. He was slightly hunched and carried a briefcase with him similar to Arima's. The man next to him had short brown hair cut in a buzz and was much taller than the other and was dressed in a suit instead of the white coat.

"How is he, Arima?" The man asked.

Arima frowned and looked worriedly at the young boy.

"Not good Mado-san. He hasn't spoken a word since we got here. The ghoul slaughtered his parents right in front of him. If I didn't come when I did the Ghoul would've ate him alive.

The taller man winced while Mado looked down sadly.

"Any chance of recovery?" Mado asked. Arima nodded. "Yes, but it has to be done soon. He's currently in intense shock and needs a good mental anchor."

Mado nodded, "Any ideas?" He asked the tall man. The tall man thought for a moment.

"I was considering handing him over to Kuroiwa, but the man is a little harsh. He has a son, but he's busy most of the time. While they were discussing this Arima was having an internal battle.
'Another,' he thought. 'No, I won't let him suffer. I can help him.'
Arima looked at the two.

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