RE: Prologue

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2 years later.....
A woman with bluish purple hair stood in front of the shop with an apron on as she looked at the peaceful morning streets. She smiled and went in humming a tune.

A man with shoulder-length white hair with black hair on the crown of his head looked at the city from his view on top of the building. His hair was tied in a pony tail as he grinned and scribbled something on his notepad. He wore glasses and had a suitcase at his feet.
"Looks like it's gonna be a sunny day." He said calmly as behind him say four other people dressed in white coats like him. He looked to them and gave a gentle smile before closing his notepad and stuffing it in his coat pocket.
"Alright, let's get started!" He said enthusiastically as he walked past them with the group following.

In the man's mind sat a figure with long dark hair and silver grey eyes. His face covered by the shadow cast by his hair. He grinned as he stood up and his left eye glowed red before a black and red blade materialized around his right arm.
"Time to practice."

In a facility a man was sitting in a field of flowers. He had white hair and glasses. His coat was folded next to him with two cases next to him. He coughed a little into his hand and grimaced at the sight of blood before smiling despite the blood and laying down.
'Soon enough brother.' He thought.

At the foot of a building stood a woman with blonde hair with reddish highlights in it. It was braided and her attire was formal. She smiled as the elevator opened and the man with long hair and glasses walked out followed by his subordinates. He waved at her before standing next to her with a calm smile.
"Where to next, Mado-san?" He asked politely.
Akira Mado smiled and looked at her phone.
"We have a meeting at the HQ. Let's go." She announced. As she walked off towards a building in the distance. The man smiled and followed while the other four followed with the shortest one being carried by a blond one with a brown coat.
"We're walking there?!" He protested. The man in front of him nodded stiffly.
"Yes we are. Something wrong?"
"You're not the one carrying this deadweight on your back!" He said angrily only to be smacked upside the head by said deadweight.
"Who you calling deadweight?! I'll show you!"
"Hey, wait! Ow! That hurts! Stop IT!" He protested.
The group walked along oblivious of the blonde's suffering.

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