Chapter 22: The Reapers vs The One-Eyed Owl

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Chapter 22: The Arimas vs The One-Eyed Owl

On the ground, 20th Ward......
Akira was fighting back to back with Takizawa as they took down ghoul after ghoul with the other squad leaders fighting alongside them. She had a cut on the back of her vest and small cut on the side of her head as she ducked under a blade slash before cracking her whip and splitting the ghoul's head in half while Takizawa peppered a ghoul full of spikes before dodging another blade slash and pulling out a quinque knife before burying it to the hilt in the head of a ghoul before pulling it out.
"They just keep coming!" He commented. Akira nodded and impaled a ghoul before kicking him back.
"All units, we back up has arrived. Please look up." A smooth voice commented. Akira recognized the voice and looked up with the other investigators. On the rooftop stood a several black coated figures in masks. There was a ripple as the ghouls flinched at the sight of the figures.
"Allows us to relieve you of the problem." November's smooth voice said. Thr figures leapt down and the ghoul forces suddenly got lower as the figures became black blurs weaving through ghouls while the bigger one was with Akira and the investigators and swung his spiked club sending a line of ghouls back. The masked man laughed before waving to Akira with a blonde masked man landing next to him and giving a bow.
"Takeshi Arima sends his regards." He said.
"All units, Syndicate has joined the battle and the Reapers are engaging the Owl, push now!" The commanders roared as the CCG soldiers and investigators nodded and smiled as they pushed the ghoul forces. Akira was grinning.

With Shinohara, Kuroiwa and Juuzuo......
They were all watching with jaws dropped as the most powerful pair of the CCG stood there grinning, well one of them anyway. Takeshi Arima with white hair was a younger clone of Kishou despite not being blood related. Arima was stoic was usually with the slightest upturn in his lip for a smile. Takeshi knelt next to them and looked at Juuzuo's stump. He frowned before nodding to him.
"You'll need a prosthetic. Don't worry, I already got an idea you might like." He said with a grin before they heard a roar and turned to the Owl. Takeshi sighed.

"Yeah, Yeah, we heard you big lump." He muttered before standing next to Arima who released IXA as well. Takeshi narrowed his eyes as he saw the Owl's appearance seemed sharper, more armor like.
"She assimilated Kuzen's Kakuja." He said. Arima nodded.
"Seems so. This'll be a bit harder." He calmly said. Takeshi snorted.
"A bit." He muttered amused before a mask morphed around his face as the 8 tendrils emerged covered in a metallic shell giving them almost blade-like appearances.
"Let's do this." He said with a grin as his kakugan glowed while Kishou smiled with a raised eyebrow.
"It's bad enough you can match my speed. Now you have THAT?" He asked before Takeshi smirked and became serious.
"Stagger Strike?" Kishou nodded. The next moment both became blurs of balck and white. The Owl roared and launched a barrage at Arima who blocked it with IXA's shield while Takeshi appeared behind the Owl and slashed sidewards with his tendrils ripping away his wings before disappearing again and landing next to Kishou who pointed Nakimura which morphed into an energy cannon and shot a stream of energy which the Owl dodged before sending a slew of white tendrils at them. Takeshi smirked.
"I got this. Take the arms." He said before dashed forward between the tendrils spun slashing his tendrils in a spiral slicing the Owl's tendrils to bits before landing in a crouch as Kishou shot forward while the Owl swung one of it's massive arms. Kishou smirked before clicking Nakimura which turned back into a blade and was coated with yellow energy before slashing it upwards, taking the Owl's arm off before thrusting IXA into the ground dashing back as the Owl's arm grew back. Takeshi had followed him and nodded. Kishou clicked IXA.
A spiral of black tendrils shot up through the Owl making it vomit blood before Takeshi appeared and impaled all 8 tails through the giant ghoul before pulling himself forward and delivering a powerful kick to it's face with a resounding crunch making the Owl stagger back near the edge. Takeshi still on it's face launched himself off its face making it nearly fall backwards.
"Now!" Takeshi called out as he landed in front of it and ducked as a curving stream of RC energy slammed into the Owl's body vaporizing several parts and splattering blood and parts before it fell off the ledge of the building.

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