Chapter 8: The Gourmet Pt. 1: Ero-Ghoul

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Chapter 8: The Gourmet Pt. 1
A/N: The title? He's a sadistic food pervert who gets off on Kaneki's blood. You tell me. Also, mostly filler in this one.
A/N: Also, this is FanFiction so don't expect this to be totally canon. Some things might happen before others or were never in the manga to begin with. My version, my rules.
Disclaimer: I don't own this. I really don't. This'll be my last one, because I hate writing these things.

Anteiku, 20th Ward......
Life had moved for the residents of Anteiku. Hinami and Ryouko had moved in with Ryouko working with Renji during the food restocking trips. Much to Kaneki's surprise, Nishio had joined the staff as one of the waiters. This prompted teasing from both Kaneki and Touka while the seething Nishio practiced brewing. Kaneki had quickly become the equivalent of a big brother to Hinami and a "nagging" big brother to Touka. Currently, Kaneki was on his break tutoring Hinami on brewing coffee.
"Just stir it. That's it....nice and slow." Kaneki said with a smile as Hinami was stirring the coffee with her own smile.
"Ok. Take it out and let me try it."
Hinami nodded and poured the coffee for him to try. He took a sip and smiled.
"You're doing well, Hinami. Much better than Nishio-san." He commented to the excited Hinami.
"Hey! I heard that!" Nishio yelled from across the room. Kaneki chuckled.
'Not like he can do much about it.'
Hinami giggled. Kaneki sighed and patted Hinami on the head.
"Ok. Head upstairs to your mom. I'll read you another story after closing time. Sound good?" He asked. Hinami nodded and gave him one last hug before running up the stairs. Kaneki smiled and nodded Touka.
"I'll take over. You hang out with her this time." Touka nodded and proceeded to walk up the stairs before the cafe door rung to signal a new entry and they both turned to see the new customer.
"Hmmmmm.....there's a nice smell here today. What new concoction have you brewed today, Touka-chan?" A silky and accented voice spoke. Touka scowled while Kaneki raised an eyebrow at the new customer.
'Just what we need, a human peacock.' Kaneki thought. The man was dressed in a red suit with additional shades of gold and orange. He had purple hair swept to the side and a eyes that reflected a perverse hunger. Kaneki groaned.

'A Peacock Ghoul. Delightful.' He thought. He decided to be polite and greeted the ghoul.
"I don't think we've met before, but I'm gonna assume that you're familiar with everyone else here, so I'll get down to it. My name is Kaneki Ken." He said politely with a slight bow. The ghoul's smile widened which creeped out Kaneki a bit.
"Bonjour Monsieur Kaneki! I am Tsukiyama Shuu!" He said with a more noticeable accent. Kaneki sweatdropped.
'I would've preferred every other French ghoul rather than this one.'
Kaneki nodded with a polite smile and nodded to Touka.
"I got this. Go take care of Hinami." He said calmly. Touka nodded and walked up the stairs. Kaneki led Tsukiyama to his seat and went to brew coffee.
"Hinami? Hinami Fueguchi?" Tsukiyama asked. Kaneki raised an eyebrow.
"You're familiar with them?" He countered. Tsukiyama nodded with a smile.
"I was friend of Asaki and it saddened me to hear he had died. Your scent is peculiar, by the way."
Kaneki nodded. "Yeah, I got the same comment from a few others, but it hasn't really bothered me that much."
He moved and placed the coffee in front of Tsukiyama.
"Here you are." He said as he placed his hands behind his back and took a step back. Tsukiyama took a sip and his eyes widened. The coffee was delicious. He hadn't had something so good in a while. He savored the taste and hummed. He lowered the cup and nodded to Kaneki.
"This is good. I haven't had something as good this since the manager was still the one brewing." Tsukiyama complimented. Kaneki bowed slightly in thanks.
"I asked him to train me. It took me quite a few months to get the mixture down pat." He said with a shrug. Tsukiyama nodded, but his senses were getting overloaded by his scent.
"Would you be available for a snack at the university on Sunday?" He asked. Kaneki raised an eyebrow.
"If it's a date, I don't swing that way. If it's an offer for free food, then I'm all for it." He said. Tsukiyama nodded.
"The latter."

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