Chapter 15: Aogiri Pt. 5: The Raid's End

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Chapter 15: Aogiri Pt. 5: The Raid's End

"Good evening!!"
The door slammed open as a ghoul investigator with white hair and red stitches walked into the room with a rectangular silver quinque blade in his hands stained red with blood. He looked around and saw signs of a battle beforehand.
"Did I miss the fun?" He asked to no one in particular.
"Most of it." A voice answered. Juuzuo Suzuya approached the crater in the middle of the room and found himself looking at the large form of a man with light blonde hair and a large portion of his back missing. Kneeling next to the body was a man with white hair in a stained white dress shirt and torn black pants. The man stood up and looked up at Juuzuo revealing a black leather mask with a lipless mouth and an eyepatch on the right eye leaving a red glowing left eye. Juuzuo grinned.
"Oooh a ghoul!" He yelled before jumping up and bringing down the blade. He felt the blade impact, but it felt sudden. He looked up and his mouth widened in shock while the ghoul raised an eyebrow as the ghoul had caught the blade between his hands. The ghoul fixed him with a tired, but cold gaze.
"I have no time for you." He said simply before leaping out of the crater and disappearing in a burst of speed. Juuzuo blinked.
"Huh. Oh well." He said shrugging his shoulders before he looked at the sprawled form and recognized him. He grinned before tying a cord around the legs of the body and began to drag him.
"You'll be a good prize when I drag you back."

(Touka and Nishio vs Ayato)
It was hard battle as Touka with her complete kagune now was matching Ayato with each hit while Nishio was trying to get a hit every time they slowed down. Ayato, for his part, wasn't injured or hurt yet, but he already had one too many close shaves with Nishio's bikaku tail. He looked at Nishio going for strike again.
'He has to go.' He thought as he dodged Nishio's attack and slammed his foot into his throat before leaping into the air and sending a barrage at Nishio sending him into wall riddled with spikes as he slumped unconscious. He smiled before he felt something connect with his jaw and felt it crack as he violently slammed into the ground with a groan as he looked up and saw Touka with her wings in full spread as she sent a barrage at him. He rolled out of the way and sent a batch towards her forcing her to dash out of the way.
'Dammit,' He thought with gritted teeth. 'She wasn't supposed to be this strong.' He dashed out an axe kick to the ground and sent another barrage which she blocked with her wings. He grinned.
"Don't take your eyes off your enemy!" He yelled as he dashed behind her and slashed downwards, temporarily removing her wings as she yelled in pain before he spun and kicked her across the building. She got up with a few bruises and recalled her kagune once more and glared at him.
"That was a cheap shot." She accused. Ayato shrugged.
"Like I care." He charged as they clashed wings and got into hand-to-hand.
"I've always been stronger than you and that pathetic excuse for a father!!"
Like with their kagune they matched each other's speed and strength, but, Touka trainee with someone far stronger and faster. She ducked under a kick and moved quickly bringing her knee up in a strike breaking the leg, before slamming her open palm into his chest breaking a few ribs as he flew into the ground with a crack. Touka smirked as he shakily got up spitting out blood as he glared at her.
"Keep telling yourself that brat." She taunted.

(Uta, Renji and Tsukiyama vs Noro)
Tsukiyama narrowly dodged the terrifying clawed mouth kagune of Noro who watched them passively as his kagune was attempting to eat them alive. Renji was with Uta as they watched Tsukiyama dodging the kagune while occasionally managing to impale the Aogiri enforcer to no effect. A long string of French curses later and the purple haired ghoul was implanted on the wall twitching as Noro tilted his head to the side and sent the clawed maw at him. He was interrupted by the ghoul's midsection exploding open in a fountain of blood. Two hands were seen popping out on the other side from a surprised Uta while Renji appeared in front of Noro with a frown.
"Not much in you huh?" He asked before delivering a powerful spinning kick that took off Noro's top portion as they watched it sail through the air before several thin tendrils latched on and brought it back with not a scratch on him. They all looked in shock before his device buzzed and he silently moved down the stairs while they watched in shock.

"Well that solves that," came the grunt from Tsukiyama who had managed to wrench himself out of the wall.
"Something's up." Were the words of Renji who received a nod and a frown from Uta.
"Let's get back to Yoshimura since he's dealing with a few Doves on the other building."

(Investigators Kuroiwa, Amon, Shinohara and Hirako vs The Owl)
Amon thought the fight with the Bin Brothers was a challenge. He hated being wrong, especially now. He was against a wall huffing as he tasted blood in his mouth and held a broken Kura in his hands while Hirako held his quinque hilt with more than a few bruises and blood leaking out of his mouth.
"I'm starting to regret agreeing to stay." Were the words from an injured Hirako. Amon simply nodded in agreement. Meanwhile at the fight, Kuroiwa and Shinohara we're moving around the Owl in a flurry of movement managing to land some hits, but did little to no good considering each wound healed immediately after the injury. They backed off as the Owl shook his head looking at their Arata armor.

"You wear the very skins and armors of the creatures you hunt down. Such hypocrisy." He said. Kuroiwa and Shinohara narrowed their eyes.
"Let's use it." Shinohara looked at Kuroiwa with a slightly wary look.
"You sure. They haven't been tested yet."
"It's the only way we're beating him."
They both nodded and activated a switch on the Arata. The armor glowed red as it suddenly came alive and wrapped around them tightly. Their eyes glowed crimson as they got up after falling to a knee and readied their weapons while the Owl watched with interest.
"You take a great risk in doing that." He stated. The two senior investigators growled.
"Let's get him."
They rushed at him in a burst of speed as the Owl met them midway in an explosion sparks and a small shockwave.

(Nishio and Touka vs Ayato)
Ayato charged once more with his kagune in full effect. He launched another barrage of crystal spikes at the pair as Touka nimbly dodged while Nishio blocked it with his kagune. This left him open for several slashes on the body before being kicked into the ground. Ayato smirked at the sight of his downed adversary only to feel the ground shatter and a fist to the gut before another slammed into his jaw. He flew upwards before he saw several red scaled tendrils and flew back into the ground from a four-tailed blunt strike that shattered several bones in his body.

He coughed out copious amounts of blood and could barely move as he watched the figure walk towards him and kneel next to him. He saw straight white and gray eyes that betrayed no emotion and four tails that swung around him. He fixed him with a bored gaze before walking over to Nishio and placing the ghoul's arm over his shoulder. He turned to Touka and gave a sheepish smile.
"Sorry I'm late. You alright?" He asked. Touka nodded. He smiled and looked at the unconscious Nishio.
"He can't catch a break can he?" He said with a smile as they left while Noro appeared to pick up the barely conscious Ayato. A loud rumbling heard as Touka tensed and Kaneki narrowed his eyes.
"We need to get out of here."

(Kuroiwa and Shinohara vs The Owl)
Kuroiwa was gripping his side and felt his body begin tire faster than normal. He began to bleed profusely as he huffed and turned to see Shinohara in a similar state.
"Damn it!" He cursed as the Owl approached them unscathed before a loud rumbling was heard. The Owl looked to the horizon before simply walking away. The two turned to Amon and Hirako who were approaching them.
"Get out of here!" Shinohara told them.
"The Arata will protect us! Get the hell out of here!"
The two still had their determined expressions before the heavily breathing Kuroiwa glared at them.
"THAT IS AN ORDER!!" He yelled as the building began to sway. Amon and Hirako reluctantly nodded and ran towards the command center.

(Kaneki, Touka and Nishio)
Kaneki watched with a grimace as the buildings collapsed and the sound of dozens if not hundreds of CCG operatives yelling in pain or in death could be heard. He sighed as the building collapsed and walked away with Yoshimura, Renji, Uta and Tsukiyama joining them.

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