Chapter 48

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When Betty woke up the next day she rolled over and snuggled into jugheads warm body. "Mmm morning juggie" she mumbled into his bare chest. Jughead kissed her hair and smiled "good morning gorgeous" he said then moved his hands under her pumpkin sweater and placed a hand over her bump before kissing it, and was rewarded with a kick. "And good morning to you too baby boy" he laughed. "So what are we doing today?" Jughead said. "Well I have a therapist appointment this morning and then me and Toni were going to have a girls day" she smiled. "So let me guess you're going to banish me from the apartment so you and Toni can paint your nails or whatever you girls do?" He smirked and she nodded. "Yep! But can you please drive me to my therapy appointment later?" She asked. "Of course" he said and kissed her softly. "Come on let's get some breakfast, you're eating for two now" he exclaimed and pulled her out of bed.

"Okay I'll wait in the car" he said as they pulled into the therapists office. "Okay! See you in a bit love you juggie!" She said brightly and leant over to kiss him. "Love you more baby" he said as he watched her get out of the car. He was glad she was in a good mood, he was hoping it was from their day out yesterday. While he was waiting for betty he took out his phone to text the boys:

Jug: Betty and Toni are having a girls night tonight shall we have a few games of pool in the bar?
Sweetpea: I'm up for it man!
Fangs: same!
Jug: cool. See you later

About half an hour later Betty climbed back into the car. "Hey babe" he said. "Hi" she said. "How did it go?" He asked. "It was okay, she said I was going good" she smiled and grabbed his hand as he pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm glad honey" he said an squeezed her hand.

"Okay, I'll call if I need anything but you need to leave and not come back for a few hours" Betty smirked at her husband. "Yeah I'm stealing your girl jones!" Toni laughed from her spot on the couch. "Whatever!" He teased. "See you later baby" he said to Betty and kissed her before leaving the apartment. "Okay so what shall we do first?" Toni asked, excited about some girl time. "Mani pedis?" Betty suggested and pulled out some nail vanish.

"What is it that girls even do when they're together?" Sweetpea asked while taking a swish of beer. "No idea man" Jug said. "So I was thinking we could order some pops?" Jug added. "Yeah I'll call in an order" fangs said pulling out his phone. About an hour later the boys were sat in a booth eating their takeout when FP burst through the door. "Boy!" He panted. "What?!" Jug said alarmed. "I've seen some Ghoulies snooping around" FP informed. "How many?" Jug asked. "About 4 or 5" FP said. At this point the serpents in the bar had gathered around. "Okay, no one leaves the bar until we find out what's going on" Jug said. "Also I need a couple of you on look out on all possible entrances that includes windows so if you see anything let me know" jug said and appointed serpents in different directions. "Son Where's Betty?" FP asked. "Having a girls night with Toni upstairs" fangs said. "We should tell them what's going on" Sweetpea said heading for the stairs. "No wait... don't tell Betty I don't need her stressed out for no reason" Jug said. "Just Tell Toni and don't let Betty know" Jug said and pulled out his phone to tell the other serpents who weren't at the bar. "Okay Toni knows and she's looking out for Betty" Sweetpea said coming back down the stairs.

A few hours later Toni had fallen asleep on the couch when Betty heard some noise out in the hallway. Opening the door she saw a man standing at the other end. "Oh, Hey" she said unsure, Thinking he was a new serpent or something. "Erm... there's nothing up here apart from our apartment do you want to go downstairs?" Betty asked and the mysterious man nodded, following her.

Jughead was sat with the Serpents when he saw Betty coming down the stairs... and a man. "BETTY! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Jughead yelled and quickly tried to get to her. "HE IS A GHOULIE!" He added and quickly pushed her behind him. FP came up behind him and lead Betty to a table, out of harms way. Then Toni came running down apologising for falling asleep. "What are we gonna do with him?" Fangs asked pointing to the Ghoulie who was being held by other serpents. "Put him in the basement until he gives us answers" Jug said, venom lacing his voice, before turning away to check on his wife. "Betts?" He asked crouching in front of her, looking for any signs of harm. "I'm okay" she said, though her hands were shaking. "Baby, are you sure did he hurt you?" Jug asked. "No no he didn't" Betty said, and explained how she found the man and what happened. "I'm okay I promise it just scared me" she sighed and he hugged her. "Come on let's get you too bed" he said before telling the serpents to keep look out for anymore Ghoulies.

Later on when Betty and jughead were curled up in bed, jughead rubbing Betty's back to comfort her Betty looked up at him and said "this is not how I saw girls night going". He laughed and kissed her softly. "No, me neither baby" he said. "Thank you for protecting me" she said. "Always" he promsied.

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