Chapter 50

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"Juggie come on let's go out!" Betty pleaded pulling on jugheads arm. "No Betts, you're on bed rest and I have to work in the office today" jughead said, pulling back and placing a kiss on her cheek. "Do you have to? Can't you stay with me?" Betty asked looking at him with sad eyes. "Betty. No, I have to do work I'll see you later" jughead said and left the apartment. Betty stared at the door and tried not to cry. The thing was even though she told jughead she was fine after the Ghoulie incident and she didn't want to be left alone in the apartment. She knew that jughead had to work and she wasn't trying to be needy but pregnancy hormones made her clingy, insecure and short tempered. After moping in the apartment Betty got dressed and decided to ignore both the doctor and jughead and go out.

"Hey betty!" Fangs said when she made it down into the bar. "Hi" Betty smiled. "Do you wanna do something today? Everyone's busy" fangs said. "Oh id love to but I have something to do, I'll see you later" Betty waved and left the bar, before fangs could register what was happening. Betty decided it was a nice enough day so she walked to Kevin's house. After she rang the doorbell Kevin opened up the door with a smile on his face. "How's my favourite mamma to be?" He grinned and pulled her into a hug. "I'm okay" she said with a small smile as he ushered her into his home. "Where's Jug?" Kevin asked looking around. "At the bar" Betty huffed as she sat down. "How did you get here?" Kevin questioned. "I walked" she said not looking at him. "What?! Elizabeth Jones! You are on bed rest! You can't be doing that! Does anyone know you're here?" He asked, shocked. "No" Betty whispered. "Betts.." Kevin sighed and sat next to her. "Talk to me" he said. "Jug insisted he had work to do and wouldn't give me the time of day, I don't like being without him" Betty said, her voice cracking. "Oh betts. I'm sure he's just busy and they others sorted out the Ghoulies there's no need to be scared" Kevin said and Betty just nodded. "Okay come on let's have a BFF day! We can chill and watch movies and eat a crap tonne of ice cream! How does that sound?" Kevin beamed, trying to cheer up his best friend. "Yeah" Betty smiled and snuggled into the couch to watch movies.

"Where's Betty?" Toni asked sweetpea and fangs when they came over to the bar. "I saw her earlier she said she had something to do" fangs said. "Oh with Jug?" Sweetpea said. "She wasn't with him, but I'm sure he was waiting outside for her" fangs said and they all nodded. They spoke at the bar for a while until jughead came out of the office. "Hey jug" fangs said. "Wait! Jug?!" Fangs added. "Erm? Yes it's me" Jug laughed, looking at his friends confused. "Where's Betty?" He asked. "She's not with you?" Sweetpea said standing up. "No..." Jug said getting worried. "I'll check the apartment" Toni said while fangs told jughead about the last time he saw Betty. "Oh no! She was really against me going down to the office earlier, there must have been a reason she didn't want me to go! What if there's something wrong?!" Jug panicked. "Woah calm down we'll find her" Sweetpea said. "She's not in the apartment" Toni panted as she ran back downstairs. "I'll call Veronica" Jug said.

Betty had fallen asleep on Kevin's couch, he smiled and threw a blanket over her. He saw that her phone was on the side, switched off and realised that Betty said she hadn't told jughead where she was and it had been hours he was probably worried out of his mind. He pulled out his phone and called jughead updated him on Betty. No later than ten minutes jughead was pulling up in his truck and Kevin greeted him at the door. "Is she okay?!" Jug rushed. "Yeah she's fine, asleep. So shh and come in the kitchen" Kevin smiled. He watched as jughead went over to Betty and kissed her head and bump before joining him in the kitchen. "Coffee?" Kevin asked holding up a mug. "Please" Jug said dropping into a chair. "She said she walked here" Kevin said when he sat with jughead with their coffee. "What?!" Jug yelled. "I know don't worry I already gave her a lecture" Kevin laughed. "Okay. I was so worried" Jug sighed. "She also said she still doesn't feel safe after the Ghoulie thing so she's a bit clingy, but she gets you had to work. You didn't do anything don't worry, pregnancy is messing with Betty's brain" Kevin added. "She told me she was fine" Jug said. "I think she believed she was but today was the first day she wasn't with you" Kevin said. "That makes sense" jug nodded. "Let's not wake her up yet, shall we make something for dinner? You two can stay" Kevin said standing up. "Yeah sure, thanks man... for everything" Jug smiled. "It's okay, she's my best friend. I'd do anything for her" Kevin said.

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