Recruiting Season

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AN: This book follows closely to canon but with a few twists. And If you had noticed, I made a few alterations as it was evident in the prologue. Enjoy.


"First recruit: Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes also known as the White Wolf."

Star City

January 21, 2016.

Star City, the city of stars or that's what the brochure say when you visit it. No, Star city is city riddled with crime, corruption and tragedies. It has it's fair share of terrorist attacks in recent years. The Undertaking, the Siege and so forth but it is mostly known for it's vigilantes that started to appear started four years ago.

Former US Army soldier James Buchanan Barnes or to his friends Bucky was walking home, stopping by the apartment his girlfriend currently resides in with their orders from Big Belly Burger in hand. It was their favorite restaurant to buy fast food whenever they felt like it. He walked up the stairs and entered the apartment building, his baseball cap covering most of his face because technically he's supposed to be dead legally.

After taking the elevator to the floor where her apartment was it, he walked past a few door down the hallway and stopped at the fifth door as he took out his keys and pressed the key he knew that would unlock the door twisting it to the left. Once the locks had been unlocked, he entered the apartment and the first thing he noticed was a man in trench coat standing in the middle of the living room. Immediately his free hand went for a knife in his jacket, worried that he might be a hired gun.

"Mr. Barnes. I apologize for intrusion but I must require a moment of your time."

Before he had a chance to ask why, the intruder with a british accent pulled out some strange device from his coat pocket and a bright flash of light blinded Bucky. Seconds after it happened, he collapsed to the floor out cold.


"Rise and Shine, Metal arm."

At the gruff voice, Bucky let out a groan as he was starting to regain consciousness. Man, he did not see it coming and that's very rare for him to say that. He slowly sat up, shaking off the headache of that thing that stunned him. As he rose to his feet, Buck started to look around where he was and it didn't take long for him realize to he wasn't alone.

Bucky recognized six people, the buzzcut hair with parka jacket was Leonard Snart aka, Captain Cold and his gruff short-tempered partner Mick Rory aka Heatwave. The blonde in a faux fur coat was Sara Lance aka the Canary, his girlfriend's little sister who had been dead for a year only to be resurrected by the Lazarus Pit by said girlfriend. A couple that were dressed up like hawks were Kendra Saunders, Cisco's former love interest and Carter Hall. He then saw a man wearing blue exoskeleton suit and he recognized as Ray Palmer aka Atom, former CEO of Palmer Tech. and for last two people he recognized from reading the files of Team flash as Firestorm.
a Grey haired man wearing glasses was Professor Stein and a African American man in his twenties Jefferson Jackson. they were apart of something called Firestorm, a nuclear weapon caused by the Particle accelerator courtesy from Star Labs two and half years ago.

"Where are we?" The mentioned Sara queried, confused of her surroundings, before laying her eyes on a familiar face. A surprised look replaced the look of caution and weary. "Buck? What you're doing here?"

"I can ask you the same thing, Sara."

The former All star football quarterback had a pretty good guess of what happened to the two of them that apparently has some history between each other. "Why don't you ask the dude who knocked us out and kidnapped us? British dude with a flashy thing? Ring any bells?"

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