River of Time

314 4 2

Star City


Bucky gasped loudly as he shot up from another nightmare in their apartment. He dreamt of being recaptured by Waller and subjected to Waller's brainwash once more. Laurel who was wide wake of Bucky's, went to check on him.

"you ok?" Laurel asked, concerned.

Buck sighed,rubbing his eyes off any sleep. There was no use of trying to sleep again. "Nightmare."

Laurel frowned. "How many did you have since you came back?"

"Too many." Bucky admitted then he thought about the offer of whether he should join Rip to stop Savage. He was unsure that he should become a hero. "I don't know if i'm cut out for this. I mean aside from my military service, what qualities do have I that makes me a hero?"

"Honor. Courage. Loyalty. Bravery. Shall I go on?" Laurel listed the things off. Still seeing that Bucky was still doubtful, Laurel became serious. "Look, you're not the only one to have doubt about being a hero considering what you went through but you're not the only one to have blinked under the gaze of the abyss. It's where you go from there that matters."

Bucky chuckled shaking his head in amusement. He's got no idea of how lucky he was to have found such a strong and compassionate woman. "Ever considered being motivational speaker, Doll?"

"No, but I'll have it as a secondary career if I don't become the D.A within the next ." Laurel said smiling as Bucky cupped her cheek with his metal hand, kissing her on the lips.


Temporal Zone.

"We missed a lot." Bucky mused in his mind as he thought about what occurred during his absence. After he left for Siberia with Sara, Snart had managed to convince Cassandra to join their side by showing footage of Savage in favorable 2147 during a shareholders meeting suggesting to Per Degaton's father that they should reduce the population due to the human resources being exhausted. Even though Mr. Degaton's father shot down the horrific motion, he went on to plot behind his back and succeeded in releasing the Armageddon virus created by Per Degaton before killing his student himself, leaving the world for the taking. Her mother were amongst the heavy casualties and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Meanwhile Ray used the Time drive to power his exosuit, evening the playing field as he went to destroy Savage's Iron Giant. He wished that he got to see it. But unfortunately There were some complications along the way.

Carter Hall was still alive and they found out the hard way when Kendra was about to deliver the killing blow to Savage with the mace that had been fused with the bracelet in the citadel when Carter who had been reincarnated as Scythian Torvil interfered. She couldn't help but spare both Scythian and Savage. Even though he understood her actions, He kinda wished that she followed through Plan A. as Snart pointed out, as long Savage is on board, he is a threat to pretty much everyone. Bucky agreed.

"Sorry we're late, but we found something." Ray announced entering the main bridge with Jax. Bucky can't help but feel sorry for Ray, Kendra obviously still have feelings for Carter who was chained in the cargo bay when she spared. He can only imagine what he must be going through right now.

"We've been running diagnostics on Ray's suit after his battle with Savage's Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot." Jax explained, holding up an Ipad before handing it over to Stein to study.

"The telemetry data included a comparative scan of the robot's tech." Ray said.

Stein studied the data on the Ipad for a moment. "Amazing. This neuromorphic profile is astonishingly futuristic." Stein marveled.

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