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December 18 2014

Rengoku Temple.

Japan, Asia.

Master Krigi was observing a foreign student who was taking his clan's test of honor to see if she was worthy of their training with his most accomplished student Lady Shiva. Seven months ago, she arrived to the temple, grieving her sister's death and wanting to capture her sister's killer. Out of pity, he let her drink with his clan, eat with them, training with them and now he was there to see if she's truly one of them. And she did not disappoint.

He was truly fascinated by the female foreigner's determination to rise from her failures when she started her training. No matter how many bruises she gained on her body, she always seemed to get back up on her feet as it progressed. As her personal guidance, he taught her to withstand the agony of the pain, using the environment to subdue her opponents, using her body as a weapon against her enemies bigger than her and control the anger that she carried within. He also trained her in weaponry: swords, knifes, etc.

Once she completed her test as she brought her knee to her last opponent's jaw knocking him out, she took a moment to breath seeing all her enemies laid out at her feet. The elderly man left his spot and walked towards her and stood in front of the female foreigner who kneeled before him, bowing her head in respect.

"I am impressed. And I am rarely impressed." Master Krigi said out of admiration. "You have earned our respect and proven yourself worthy. You will be given the instruction you seek." The female foreigner stood up and removed her hood showing her face that belonged to Laurel Lance as Krigi placed his hand on her shoulder. "Now, get to the kitchen and make tea for all of us. There is much to discuss."

"Yes, Master." Laurel complied as Krigi lead her back to the temple while Shiva was awaiting them by the gate.


Harmony Falls, Oregon 1958.

Bucky let out a breath feeling exhausted as he sat on the bed of the seats in the main bridge. That was one tough mission in Harmony Falls, Oregon 1958. Savage was residing at that point of time according to the intel they got from Captain Baxter. Several people had mysteriously gone missing for the past several weeks for unknown reasons and Savage was the most likely suspect in this. So naturally they went undercover to investigate and boy did they find out the reason in a big way. Turns out that Savage was experimenting on the missing people while posing as doctor Curtis Knox at a psychiatric facility, turning them into hideous flying monsters, the ones that nightmares are made of. And accidentally Jax got caught in his web becoming one of his flying monkeys sort to speak. Luckily with the extensive medical Stein had he was able to create an anti dote to counter the mutagen and they went to cure the Hall c patients with Savage retreating including Jax.

They were waiting for Sara, Kendra and Ray to return when the timeship got rocked by a blast causing Bucky to steady himself for a moment or two before running to the main bridge where he saw Chronos who somehow had found his way into the Waverider firing on Snart and Rip who was taking cover behind the seats.

Acting fast, he tackled Chronos buying Snart and Rip enough time to escape to the hallway. Chronos used his helmet to head butt him, stunning him. Chronos shot him with his rifle sending him back first to the wall, head bouncing off it. Chronos stomped his boot into Bucky's face knocking him out.


Med Bay

Bucky groaned as he groggily opened his eyes to see Ray standing in front of him wearing a beige suit.

"Hey, Buck. Glad you didn't die because it would've been extremely awkward if you did."

He got up from his seat rubbing his chest that got hit. His chest felt that one time Sara dared him to smoke a cigarette. Yes, his teen self lived for danger. Good thing he had a healing factor that came with the super soldier serum. "What did I miss?" Bucky asked giving Ray a look over of what he was wearing. He looked like a nerdy professor.

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