White Knight Part 2

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Bucky and Sara were playing Go Fish in his room after the Waverider made the time to the Soviet union when suddenly the ship pulled the breaks throwing them off the bed onto the floor back first.

Groaning while rubbing her lower back, Sara went to ask the Artificial Intelligence as she was being brought back on her feet by Bucky. "Gideon, what the hell's just happened?"

"We are being pursued by Chronos."

"Boba Fett's here?" Sara inquired glancing at Bucky in worry.

"Yes and Captain Hunter has initiated emergency landing protocol. And by emergency, he is going to crash land."

"Ah, hell." Bucky muttered.

The ship had just landed roughly on the outskirts of mountains in the old Soviet Union following their escape of Chronos who was now being pursed by the Soviet Air force.  Ray, Jax, Snart and Rip were all strapped safely at their safes whilst Mick, Kendra, Stein,  Bucky and Sara weren't so lucky.

"Welcome to the U. S. S. R., gentlemen."  Rip announced.

Stein entered the bridge with Bucky and Sara who were a bit ruffled by the crash. Sara more than Bucky due to his enhanced endurance. Stein held the file in his hands.

"If it were up to me, they would revoke your pilot's license."  Stein said looking at the Captain critically.

"They are more than welcome to, considering I don't have one." Rip admitted.

"That explains it." Bucky muttered.  "Next time I'm taking the pilot's seat."

"And I'll be his co pilot." Sara added.

"Did you get anything on Savage from the Pentagon file?"  Rip asked ignoring the quips as they all gathered around the console looking at the file they retrieved from the Pentagon.

"It appears our friend has been quite busy since we last saw him."  Stein mused.

"Savarog?" Bucky enquired looking at the code name on the first page in puzzlement. "Isn't that the name of the God of fire in Slavic mythology?"

"That is correct. How did you know?" Stein questioned, a bit surprised that the former army soldier knew. Bucky smiled proudly thinking back to his perfect GPA before he got enlisted.

"I guess you could say that I was the perfect student back in high school." Bucky said proudly

"More like an overachiever." Sara hid the quip with a cough. Bucky frowned at the blonde assassin.

"Anyhow, uh, from what i've been able to gather, it is a secret project the Soviets are working on and  considering Savage's involvement, most likely some sort of weapon."  Stein informed the team of what he'd understood by reading the file in his room.

Ray picked up the file and saw a picture of a attractive brunette attached at the top of the file. "Valentina Vostok. Graduated top of her physics program and then just dropped out of academia."   He read the biography of Savage's top leading scientist.

"To help develop Savage's new weapon, no doubt."  Stein guessed the correct assumption.

"The Cold War's up for grabs, and Miss Vostok is the linchpin." 

"I say we put two in the back of her head and call it a day."  Snart suggested the obvious option. But Ray didn't want to for go it.

"We have no idea who this woman is or what her effect may be on history. She may be the next Madame Curie for all we know."  Ray argued.

"She's working for Savage. That's all we need to know." Snart pointed it out. Bucky agreed with the thief on that one.

"She probably has no idea who's backing her research." Ray said. "Just let me approach her as a scientist, and we'll see what she knows about Savage's weapon's program."

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