Monster Part 2 (Edited)

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June 25, 2003

Starling City

Bucky could only sigh at the sight he was seeing back at the lockup inside SCPD precinct. Sara Lance in jail, again. This time for breaking and entering and carrying fake identity with her newest squeeze who somehow doesn't scream good parenting. Quentin is gonna throw a fit when he finds out about this if he hasn't already.

Sara, Bucky and Laurel have known each other since childhood. They all met through the Peter Pan incident, where Sara forgot her lines and tried to improvise by tap dancing at a school play. Needless to say, it didn't go so well. And as they grew up, Bucky started to develop feelings for the older Lance girl but unfortunately by the time he got the nerve to ask her for a date, she was already with Oliver Queen, the constant cheater and an all time jackass.

"Sometimes I think you like getting arrested." Bucky said shaking his head at the rebellious teenager who had a tendency to get herself into trouble than she cared to admit.

"I had it under control." Sara said defiantly while crossing her arms, pouting like a child. "If it wasn't for that damn silent alarm, I would've been fine."

Bucky snorted, unconvinced by the excuse. "How many times is this?" Bucky pretended to remember the amount of times she's been arrested for. "Fourth?"

"Fifth." Sara mumbled, lowering her head down.

"Seriously Sara? You can't continue doing this. When are you gonna grow up?"

Sara scoffed, giving him a hateful glare. She always hated the lecture speeches she was getting from. "That's easy for you to say, you're the only kid while I get to deal with the golden child. Sara why can't you be more like Laurel? Sara, Laurel just got accepted at Harvard, Columbia and Vermont." Sara made an accurate impersonation of her parents which scared him slightly. "I'm the black sheep, remember?"

"No, you're not. You just want to believe that you are." Bucky replied. "Besides, you got me that's gonna remind you that you're better than this, even if you can be a bitch sometimes." He added which earned him a chuckle from Sara despite her mood.



"Wake up buddy." Bucky slapped Blake's cheek a few times bringing him back to the living in the holding cells. Rip was in the dim light ready for another set of question and hopefully he could find out about the vessel the second time around. "Let's see if you can answer Rip's questions this time."

"Back for more?" Blake teased in a mocking manner, Bucky swung his metal fist across his cheek. Blake felt something metallic in his mouth and spit out some blood to the floor.

"Mr. Barnes!" Rip reprimanded Bucky like a teacher scolding a student. There was no need for such violent interrogation techniques. Buck huffed but backed off rather unwillingly.

"Good boy." Blake mocked, grinning like a smug fool.

Rip sighed, letting Bucky to throw another punch at Blake this time. He deserved it.

"Now. Where's Savage's fortune?" Rip questioned Savage's minion as Bucky let him do the talking. "I'm particularly interested in this thing called the vessel."

"The vessel is my master's most treasured possession." Blake replied.

"Excellent, and where can we find it?"

"The Greyhill Building." Blake answered quickly, too quickly for their liking. "There's a gathering tonight in celebration of it."

"And obviously you want us to go so we can get ourselves killed." Bucky assumed, crossing his arm on his chest again, purposely making him bigger.

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