I Love The 70's

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Star City, May 29 2016

"Come on! Kill me!"

"NO!!! God knows I want to! But you will not destroy who I am!!"

It was glum afternoon in Star City. Bucky and Laurel were sitting against a tree on a rise that overlooked the cemetery. She's leaning into Bucky with his arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm and close. It was nice.

"How was the funeral?" he asked his doll gently, the D.A. sighed thinking about how difficult it was for her in the week that followed after his death.

"Brutal." She answered, no point of sugar coating of what transpired. "John took it hard, considering the fact that he trusted Andy over Oliver and my father is dead because of it."


Laurel sighed leaning into him more as she intertwined her fingers with his once more. It made her feel a bit at ease. "I don't know. I still feel that I should've done more. I should've known that Darhk would have punish my father for betraying him. But I can't help but think that maybe it was the price I had to pay of bringing Sara back to life."

"Laurel, you couldn't have known."

"I could've." She admitted.


Five months ago, January 2016

36 hours had been up and surprisingly all nine had showed up at the location that Rip Hunter have given the address to Bucky.

During the drive to the location he had a lot to think about. Why him?

"I think we're being punked. Do people still say punk'd?" Ray asked looking around for the Time Master but he appeared to be no show.

"No." Sara and Bucky said at the same time while glancing at each other. Something was fishy about this whole thing but they decided to give Rip the benefit of the doubt.

"I see your buddy threw himself a going-away party." Carter noted as he saw a passed out Jefferson in Martin's car.

"Yes, I believe he drank something that didn't quite agree with him." Stein responded, not going into details but it was enough for them to realize that professor Stein drugged Jax.

Snart glanced at Kendra who didn't look pleased to be here with the rest of the assembled Team Legends. "You don't look too happy to be here."

Kendra crossed her arms, but didn't deny the keen observation. "Perceptive."

"Well, I see you've all decided to come."And right then and there, came Rip Hunter out of nowhere. He had a pleased look as if he was delighted that everyone had accepted his offer. "Well then, we can be on our way."

"I don't see anything Rip." Bucky said, looking puzzled seeing nothing. How the hell did he come here?

"A Time Master's sacred charge is to do no harm to the timeline." Rip informed the confused looks on some of their faces. "Can you imagine what a timeship would look like in, say, Victorian England?"

"Holographic indigenous camouflage projection." Stein answered in amazement.

"Indeed." Rip took out a remote device and pressed a button, revealing a huge ship that looked the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars much to everyone's jaw dropping shock.

Bucky let out a whistle in awe. "That's a cool ship."

"It's called the Waverider. It's been my ship for over a decade. Shall we?"

It turned out that the ship was a lot bigger on the inside than what it appeared in. Team Legend with Mick carrying a still unconscious Jax walked down the hallways looking around completely mesmerized by the advanced technology especially Ray and Stein. Bucky had a huge interest in science as well just not as these two and the fact he was an overachiever back in High School but that was a long time ago. Rip told Mick where to put Jax.

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