Star City 2046 Part 2

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April 27 2016

Star City.

Wearing her black funeral dress, Laurel let out a stuttering breath as she was thinking about her father's upcoming funeral. It's never easy saying goodbye especially, when it comes to your family. Even though it's a part of life, it's pretty difficult to digest for anyone. It's a painful reminder that you're here on Earth for a short time.  She heard the front door open and she didn't even look up to see Oliver entering her apartment wearing a black suit with a black tie fitting for a funeral.

"I've spent almost 7 years studying pre-law and law, I know it like the palm of my hand. I've learned how to get out of cuffs, how to defend myself and yet I couldn't save my father." Laurel said as Oliver sat next to her on the couch noting that she was barley holding herself together while listening to her. "I've promised Sara that I would look after him before she left. How am I gonna be able to look in  her eyes and tell her that I've failed?"

"Worry about that another day. " Oliver advised the Assistant D.A. Laurel turned to face him and he saw her eyes brimming  with tears. "Just focus on getting through today."

"I just don't know what kind of person he wants me to be." Laurel confessed, fidgeting with her fingers. "It's gonna be hard without him."

"I know." Oliver took her hand with his and gave it a squeeze. "But If he was still here, he would've wanted you to be better than he was late in his life."  Oliver then got up from the couch and headed to the door. He waited for her by the doorway. "It's time."

Laurel took a deep breath resolving herself as she rose from the couch and went with Queen Consolidated CEO closing the door behind her.


Star City 2046


After a quick look at the main engine in the engine room, Jax decided to fix the engine since he was a mechanic  while Rip was going to try to steal a prototype neuromorphic interface to replace  the one that was damaged during their encounter with Chronos in the temporal zone from Smoak Technologies. It's what Gideon operated with and with out it, they were screwed.

"It's not money. It's not jewels. No valuable artifact. You're just lucky i'll steal anything right now." Mick mused as he and Len were gearing themselves up in the Cargo Bay with Rip looking more tense than usual.

The former time master figured as much. "As I suspected." Rip muttered.

"You'll get your gizmo. You just get this buckets flying again." Snart reassured him putting his gloves on as Sara entered the bay with Bucky wearing their alter ego attires.

"We're coming with." Sara said putting on her white jacket. Rip shook  his head vigorously. It was a  very bad idea.

"Absolutely not. You two must stay on the ship. You two are too emotionally connected to this city." Rip said sternly.

"This coming from the guy who lied to us in the first place, because he wanted to save his wife and son from their deaths at the hands of  an immortal tyrant." Bucky reminded Rip who clenched his jaw in annoyance at  being reminded of his deception when he recruited them several months ago.

"Be that as it may, We've been over this..."

"Well guess what, Rip? We're over you." Sara retorted cutting him off in mid sentence. "We know this city better than anyone else and you're gonna need us there. So we're either coming with or we can find out if the Time Masters are as good at teaching people to fight as the League of Assassins."

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