He was a hero

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Slowly lifting the lid up in the Captain's office while peeking out to see that they were in the clear, Snart got out of the shaft, Bucky was next to get out before helping Sara up by extending his hand to her. She grabbed his hand, allowing him to lift her up from the shaft. Snart shut the lid down quietly.

"How did you even know that was down there?" Sara asked brushing herself off the dirt.

"When Rip first recruited us, I made it my business to case every square inch of this tub in the event there was something worth stealing." Snart explained walking out of the office. "There wasn't. Let's get out of here."

"Wait, what about the team?" Sara wondered.

"There's nothing more we can do for them." Snart said. Sara was baffled to see such cold dismissive attitude.

"You're just gonna leave Mick?"

"If the Time Masters are half as twisted as Mick said, there's an excellent chance Mick is no longer Mick." Snart justified his reason. "Now why aren't we flying yet?"

"Because we're not going anywhere. And even if we wanted to, we're in a hangar surrounded by an entire armada of timeship." Sara pointed out the obvious reason why they aren't leaving.

Snart gestured to the timeship. "It's the Waverider. We've got guns. We can blast ourselves out."

"Well guess what, Clyde?" Bucky snarked. "We can't. So unless you're gonna get your head out of your ass, we're gonna save the team whether you like it or not, Leonard."

Pissed off of the stubbornness shown by both Bucky and Sara , Snart drew out his cold gun and aimed at Bucky's face. Bucky didn't flinch. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear." Snart sneered.

"You did. I just chose to not care about it." Bucky retorted.

Snart exhaled sharply through his nose. It's like trying to break through a brick wall. "You and I both know that the rest are as good as dead and there is a huge possibility that Mick is Chronos again." Snart argued.

"Go ahead then. Show me that you're the same cold blooded bastard with daddy issues when we first met. " Bucky goaded him into shoot him, showing to both Bucky and Sara that Snart was the same cold hearted thief from Central City. "I haven't forgotten Russia where you were the first to try to convince me to not kill Professor Stein."

"Yeah because you seemed to have a problem of being a killer." Snart said. "I however don't."

The two men were having a stare down, silently challenging each other to back down. Sara nervously looked back and forth between the two men.

As if on cue, there was a phone ringing in the office ending the stare-down. Bucky and Snart glanced at the phone before looking at each silently questioning who's gonna answer the . Letting out a relieved sigh, Sara went to answer the call in the office. "That was too close." She thought to herself.

"Hello?" She said to whoever was calling the phone.

"Hello, Ms.Lance." Sara's eyes widened in shock as she heard the voice of the Waverider greeting her.

"Gideon, you're alive?!" Sara exclaimed in relief, getting both men's attention at the name. Snart and Bucky went to the office curious of what was going on over the phone.

"If be being alive, you mean that my operating system is intact, yes." Gideon told her. "I was able to upload into the latency core to avoid being wiped out when the Time Masters...."

Sara cut the AI off, not having the time for details at this point in time. All that mattered was the status of the team. "We can share war stories later. Where's the rest of the team?" Sara asked.

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