Chapter 1: Unveiling The Truth

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Chapter 1- Unveiling the truth

Hey guys this is my new book. I was very excited about the idea and hope that you enjoy reading it. Credits to Glittergold for the beautiful fan art above <3.


Agent bluebird

This would be the pivotal moment In Rebecca's life, that would change her life forever. It would change the course of her life completely. Whether it is for better or worse is not yet determined.

These past few months Rebecca has been noticing something strange going on with her. Everyone says it's just her growing up, but she feels that it is more than that. Things are happening; strange things that are not happening to the other girls. She hears voices that are not there. They sound like the people around her, except the people's lips are not moving.

The first time she noticed it was in class when a whole bunch of voices and sounds hit her all at once causing her head to spin. Some were louder than others and rang out above them. She screamed out in pain and tried to cover her ears to block out the sound. She lay on the table and closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt a lot of hands on her. She could not hear anything around her, all she could hear was the millions of voices so merged together that she could not even figure out what they were saying. She finally got the strength to stand up and run to the bathroom.

For weeks after, the other students mocked her in the hall by grabbing their heads and shouting. Luckily, she started to be able to block the voices out after a week of taking off school and practicing how to do it from home.

Even now she does not have any understanding of what happened to her. She suspects that she's a telepath, it sounds strange, although it is the only thing that makes sense. The only way to confirm it is to tell her parents about it. So, she plans to ask her parents after school if there is any history of telepaths in their family. Even if it is not true, she has to tell them sometime.

When she gets home from school, she makes a bee line to the study where her mother is working. It's a very awkward thing to talk about. She takes a moment to think about what she is going to say before she walks in. She takes a deep, steadying breath and opens the door.

"Hi Mom!" She says trying to sound perky despite the turbulent nervousness inside her.

"Hello honey!" Her mother turns around in her chair to face her, sounding pretty perky herself.

"How was school?" Her mother asks her with a grin. "What should I say?" Rebecca thinks to herself as she sputters like a fish out of water.

"Uhm, you know same old same old," Rebecca replies rolling her eyes, trying to sound blasé and skillfully avoiding the question.

"Actually, there is something I want to ask you..." Rebecca says scratching her head of hazel-brown hair. The nervousness and realisation of the question she is about to ask is really starting to sink in now.

"Shoot," her mother says enthusiastically as she stares up at her daughter.

"Well... This is a weird question, but do we have any relatives or stories in our family that say anything about telepathic abilities?" Rebecca wrings her hands in front of her and cringes as she asks the question which she has been too afraid to ask for till now.

"What? Why would you ask such a question?" Her mother asks in a little more shocked and defensive tone than what Rebecca was expecting. Her mother jumps up from her chair as she says the words and Rebecca is forced to take a step back.

"I don't know I guess I-" She starts saying in a skittish way but her mother interrupts her before she can finish.

"Has something happened to you?" Her mother asks in a protective but almost more inquisitive or even excited way.

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