Chapter 20-Plane and simple

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Two days later they are on a plane to Seattle. At first they planned to fly by a commercial plane, but the police insisted that they use their own private jet. Rebecca and Kyan made arrangements with some of their friends and classmates to send them the work that they will miss at school during the mission. Rebecca told her friend that she was going to her parents' friend's wedding. As soon as they are in the air Rebecca has her file out. Her mother is sitting across from her and her father is walking around. Kyan is sitting in the corner on his own, listening to music. Rebecca opens the file to the page where they talk about the types of bombs the culprit builds.

A few of the bombs they found that belonged to her were breach pads, plastique and Molotov's. They know this because all the bombs had a marking of a sickle with a snake wrapped around it. This sign makes Rebecca even more confident in her suspicion that Dasha is the culprit. Since she comes from a country near Russia, a place known for communism and the sign of a sickle. One of the most recent bombs that they found was a ICBM or a inter continental ballistic missile. Which suggests that her skill in the making of bombs is growing.

Rebecca asks as she reads through the list of bombs,"What are these bombs and what are they used for?"

Kyan looks at Rebecca with a stupid look on his face."Seriously?"

Rebecca looks up from her file and right at Kyan. "Hey, I'm not a dude with interests in creating bombs," she says with her hands in a surrender position.

Kyan nods, acknowledging her point. "But you still should have done your research." Which in turn Rebecca nods at in agreement, reluctantly."A breach pad is a impact bomb, which is mainly used for force and can be directed in a certain direction. For example the blowing up of safes. A plastique is an explosive bomb, which blows up in all directions unlike a impact bomb. Molotov's are incendiary bombs. They are used to make small explosions and light whatever is flammable around them. They are probably the easiest to make of all she has been trading with. I'm actually surprised that she can trade at all with them." Kyan explains as he follows the list of bombs written down.

"How so?" Rebecca asks with her brown eyebrows knitted together.

"Well, they are really easy to make and are used by amateurs. Or by desperate soldiers, but they make them themselves in the war situation. The only reason someone would buy them is if they don't have the time or the intelligence to make them themselves," he says shaking his head as he speaks.

"How are they made and used?" Rebecca asks curiously.

"As I said it's really quite simple. You take any strong alcohol or petroleum or pretty much any flammable liquid and an easily breakable container, like a bottle, and a cloth. You drench the cloth in the flammable liquid and fill the bottle with that same liquid and put the cloth inside. You then light the cloth and throw the bottle at your target. It will explode on impact and light any flammable substance around it."

"Wow! Sounds simple enough though," she says with mixed feelings. She knows it is supposed to feel very simple and yet she can't help feeling impressed by how simple it is to make your own bomb.

"Yeah. What surprises me most is the fact that she could build a nuclear bomb," he says emphasising his last words with raised eyebrows.

"Oh and why is that?" Rebecca asks crossing her hands over her chest, thinking he is referring to their previous conversation of what he thanks a woman is capable of.

"Well to build a nuclear bomb you need a couple of ingredients like plutonium which you need a permit for to obtain and transport. And I'm pretty sure she didn't get a permit. If she did she would have to come out of hiding. Which leaves us with the assumption that she stole it somehow." He scratches his rough chin in thought.

"Which means we can track her!" Rebecca says as it dawns on her. Kyan's eyes also widen as he realizes what she is suggesting.
"We can check what places deal in the storage or trading of elements such as plutonium. Then we can check if any of those places reported a robbery recently. And we will track her from there!" Rebecca pulls out her laptop and begins to type frantically I the middle f her explanation

"That would be a great idea, if only it were a guarantee that she is the one who stole the elements."

"What do you mean?" She asks in a disappointed tone. Kyan is sitting with his lips pressed in a tight line.

"Dasha is a smart woman and I doubt that she would be as dumb as to go steal some elements. She probably got someone to do her dirty work for her."

"Hmm? How does she do it though? That is the question."

"I can answer that question for you easily," Kyan says as he puts his feet on the table in front of him and lies back in his chair. "She is Russian. Which means that she is either really hot and so guys will do anything for her or she is really scary and so guys will do anything for her." Rebecca bursts out laughing at his words. Although they might be true it is such a typically male stereotype of Russian females.

Silence fell after that and remained for the rest of the ride, which lasted about another thirty minutes.

As soon as they landed in Seattle they went to check out the hotel they are staying at and they put their bags away. It isn't exactly a five star hotel, but it's decent enough. After they got settled in, they got to work on the list of people Dasha knew or had anything to do with. They went to her previous apartment, which was at a five star hotel and on the top floor.

Hope you liked that little bit of info on bombs. This chapter is about the proof that Dasha is the culprit and it contains some Rebecca and Kyan action.  Tell me what you guys think about this chapter.

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