~ The Decepticon son of an Autobot ~

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Warning: sadness (maybe) and this is very long.

Characters: Team Prime, 5t3v3.

Takes place In: TFP Season 3

Crossover with: nothing


Have you ever heard of 5t3v3?

He's the original Desepticon vehicon, always dying and getting revived, them getting cloned a couple million times just so his clones can die as well.

The con that gets hated, considered useless, not so helpful as most of the cons, and a lonely bot.

Yea, him.

What if I told you he joined the Autobots?

Yea he did, I'm not joking.

Well, he finally thought about the fact he was never useful on the cons side, and the fact he had no reason to fight with them anyways.

He hated everyone on the Nemesis, very few he actually partly liked, the bots on the other servo, he looked up to them, mainly their leader.

So, he gave up the con life.

He left the Nemesis after it's previous landing for energon mining, and walked, not stopping, until he was found by the Autobots, and asked to join them, he had been walking for several cybertronian days, low on energon and weak, the Autobots knew he couldn't fight in such a condition, so they took him in.

At first nobody trusted him, but he slowly began to be trusted by the humans after Miko almost blew herself up. When the bots thought he caused it, the humans backed him up, helping him and giving proof on what happened, Miko was actually happy to tell the truth for him, and was the first to fully trust him.

5t3v3 would help Raphael with small computer problems, even when it wasn't needed, but Raf would allow him to help and teach him how to work computers, making him the second to fully trust the ex-con.

Jack was more skeptical about him, but when Jack found out about 5t3v3's story and why he wished to join the bots, he understood, saying that he noticed how much he was hated there, and saying he wasn't alone, many others may see the wrongs in their ways, so he was trusted more by Jack.

The wreckers, Bulkhead and Wheeljack, both got wind of the humans trusting 5t3v3, they wished to trust him as well, learn more about him, 5t3v3 at first was afraid it was a way of them getting him away from the humans, seeing as they were his only friends, but soon found out it was just to trust and learn, the wreckers found trust in him.

Next was Bumblebee, he and 5t3v3 were working on some loose wiring when a large metal pipe nearly crushed 5t3v3, Bee was able to save him before it did, and 5t3v3 trusted bee from then on, and bee trusted 5t3v3.

Ratchet had been trying to fix his tools that bulk had broken, so 5t3v3 asked if he could help, Ratchet thought he would break them further, but gave him a chance, 5t3v3 was able to fix some tools, only small ones sadly, but Ratchet would help him learn how to fix the bigger ones, and surprisingly didn't get mad when 5t3v3 accidentally broke a power tool, so Ratchet did begin to trust 5t3v3.

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