~ The Odd Fusion ~ Pt 2

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From where we left off, it was CHAOS. Realities had collided, and I was the only one who knew what the hell happened. I was running through the rocky, dusty canyon in the middle of Jasper, Nevada, with a battle going on behind me between these oddities I called the Fusions, between an old reality, and a new reality. In other words, my alien robots friend and foe had somehow fused with their old age counterparts that they never knew existed! How exciting and terrifying.

I had run for a fare bit, only to hear blaster fire, and see Team Prime shooting at both Fusions ahead of me. I swiftly squeaked and ran over, hoping to stop them from hurting Optimus. The Megs fusion had bolted, but Opie was having a harder time just defending himself, let alone finding an escape route. "Shadow, stay back! That thing's dangerous!" Arcee yelled when she spotted me running forth from behind a few rocks. "That 'Thing' is OPTIMUS!" I retorted back, my voice cracking the louder I yelled, as I ran towards Prime. "Now stop shooting!" "But-" "I said STOP!" Luckily they stopped, and poor Fusion Prime boio collapsed from the massive amount of damage he'd taken from the fight and the Autobots' shots. I ran to his helm and tried to comfort him the best a tiny human could comfort a giant metal robot, but it was enough.

"What happened...?" Bulk titled his helm as he asked, walking over with the rest of the boys. "Groundbridge malfunction. Mine nearly collapsed on us, and somehow, another universe and it's version of Optimus clashed with our Optimus and now they're like this. Same story with Megatron. Both seemed to be in the blast zone of the Spacebridge or Groundbridge and it's malfunction." I responded, explaining it the best I could, as I kind of pet the Prime's. "So your saying there's two Optimus' and Two Megatron's, in the same universe, fused with themselves..?" Arcee questioned. "Yep. And we gotta figure out how to revert them." ::For now, we should bring him back to base.:: Bee beeped softly. "Yea, we should. Can ya walk, Prime?" I turned to Optimus, who was getting up, I could hear their combined frame's softly creaking as they stood up onto their peds. "Ratchet we need a groundbri-" Arcee was cut off by a thunderous roar from above, our heads all tilted up to look at what had made such a ruckus, and wouldn't you know it, but Megatron had returned, jumping down onto solid ground to face the weakened Prime a second time. "Scraplets..." I mumbled, backing up a few steps. "We need to take him with us so we can revert them as well." The Prime's spoke, before turning to the Megatrons. "And do you really think we'll come willingly?" They snarled, smirking with devilish intent. "Who said we were going to ask?" They activated their battle mask (Well, TFP's side did), and their battle ensued.

Optimus struggled with Megatron, in a stalemate as they tried to get past each others servos, trying to get the upper hand on the other, while Myself and Team Prime stayed back, Ratchet had summoned a bridge at this point, we just needed to get Megatron through. But this was no sooner said then done when Megatron went flying through it, and Prime running right after them. We were quite startled by this sudden action, but swiftly followed suit through the bridge, finding a startling sight, with Prime on top of Megatron, keeping him pinned while Ratchet stared in shock. "Close the bridge, keep Megatron down!" Arcee snapped, running to help Prime with Megs.

Timeskip brought to you by Orion and G1 Megatron talking about poetry! :D

After about a half hour, Megatron had been chained to a medical berth, next to Optimus who was willingly laying on a second medical berth, while Ratchet, not too far away, was trying to figure out how to revert them back, when the Megatron's spoke. "I want out." G1 snarled. "Your not getting out." TFP Megs snapped back, making the Prime's sit up. "Brother?" G1 Opie asked. "Brother, I hate this. His mind is sinful." G1 Megs responded, making TFP Megs growl and struggle. "Brother, we will be free soon." G1 Opie reassured, making TFP Megs mad. "Never!" "Silence, Megatron." TFP Optimus snapped, and soon it was an argument between the TFP's, while the G1's had to sit tight and just let it happen. Ratchet wanted to yell at them to stop, but he doubted he'd be able to. Suddenly, he found a breakthrough, a way to separate them, and make them separate entities. The argument stopped, and TFP Megs got enraged, breaking an arm restraint in the process, and forcing the Prime's to hold his arm down. He finally said "Sorry." And knocked the Megs' out cold...

Another Timeskip brought to you by TFP Megs and G1 Optimus having an argument over politics cause I don't want to continue this idea much anymore but for the sake of the plot I must finish the- WEH

(Next part has um... a smol bit where they showin their... THEHOTDOGS-)
Ratchet had set up a machine, which was just a massive glass cylinder filled to the brim with modified energon that was breathable for a cybertronian (aka they cannot sink due to inhaling massive amounts of energon not meant for intake), and had placed a now slumbering fused Prime within the tube and sealed it for the meantime. The energon was modified in such a way that made it so it would separate the two and make it so that they were normal and two separate mechs again, but he wouldn't explain how exactly that worked. A second tube had the Megatron fusion in it, and by tomorrow, Ratchet estimated they'd be separated and awake and well. Sure enough the next day, the two Prime's awoke, facing one another, and were surprised that they were separated. One issue was that half their plating's/armor was missing, including their cog pieces, exposing themselves to the other unintentionally. Same issue with both Megatrons. Very flustered Prime's, and very unhappy Megatron's. Ratchet returned, with myself on his shoulder, and removed the four from their tubes and gave em their plating's. TFP Megatron was able to flee through a groundbridge not long after, but G1 was just happy to be himself again, and stuck close to his own Optimus. Optimus conversed with his G1 counterpart and his greatest foe, learning about their universe. "Well, we thank you for helping us. We were glad to meet you, Optimus." G1 finally spoke up, Optimus smiled and nodded. "As it was to meet you, fellow Prime." He responded, then glanced at Megatron. "I thank you as well, Prime. I hope you can deal with your version of myself. Just take it easy in your war, and we'll take it easy on our end, alright?" "You are utmost welcome, I will try my best." The Space/Groundbridge soon was opened back to G1's world. "Until we meet again, old friend." The G1's shook Prime's servo. "Until we meet again." And they were off back to their world, ready to continue their own fight.

Optimus tossed a picture in their after them before they left, and it closed. Ratchet looked confused. "What was that, Optimus?" "Oh nothing, old friend."

On the other side, the two got the photo. It was of TFP's timeline, every character, from Tailgate to Makeshift, from Megatron to Orion, to Megatronus and Soundwave, you get the picture. "Heh. That's a big family." Megatron spoke. "Indeed. Something to remember them by."

And that is the end, until they meet again. One day...

1276 words owowowowwowo

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