~ Legends ~

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This was inspired by https://www.deviantart.com/prophetofprimes/art/Legends-Speedpaint-672614351

the one who created the art is https://www.deviantart.com/prophetofprimes/

Optimus Prime ((Hasbro))
Orion Pax ((Hasbro))
Megatron ((Hasbro))
Megatronus ((Hasbro))

Orion's POV:


It's scent was powerful, wherever he was. I only remembered falling into recharge in my berthroom, before being awoken by two voices, only to find, I couldn't wake up. Then I 'Awoke' in a weird, black, swirling void. I seemed to float in this darkened void, but be able to walk on nothing. I could touch invisible walls, but then pass right through them. This place was chaos already, a fake reality? "Hello?" I called out, my voice bouncing off nothing, and yet everything, sending a painful echo throughout the surrounding void. I covered my audio receptors, and after a couple moments, my echoed voice vanished. I slowly removed my servos from my audio receptors and looked around. I didn't seem to be getting a response... "HELLO" "EEK!" I heard a deep, booming voice from... Everywhere! I wanted to run but where could I go? I wanted to hide but I couldn't move! I began to panic, but something sent a wave of comfort over me, making me feel at ease. "Do not be afraid, Orion." "W-who are you?" I breathed out. Yes, I was young, but, I wasn't going to let some unknown voice scare the fragging life out of my system. And I certainly wasn't planning to question how they... He? I wasn't going to question the other voice in this endless void any further until I knew who or what it was. Suddenly, large, blue flames began to spark to life around me, trapping me. My audio receptors bent down, pressing against the back of my helm. A ghostly shadow of a mech appeared before me, it was taller then me by... One more of myself. It's optics glowed a bright blue, and that was all that could be distinguished for features, besides if being just a shadow. It walked towards me, through the blue flames, now standing before me. I could feel it's optics bearing into my own, I couldn't tell if this mech was trying to be scary or friendly, so I just looked up at the mech. "I am Optimus Prime." His optics became more... Gentle. My audio receptors slowly rose up. "Are you... F-friendly?" He simply nodded, the flames now only around this 'Optimus' guy, as if it were his protection. "Uh... Where are we?" Optimus seemed to slightly flinch at the question. "S-sorry, should I just shut up?" Optimus seemed to be confused for a second, before chuckling softly. "No, it's fine. We are in a part of an old friend of mines processor." As if something was waiting, purple flames rose up behind Optimus, he spun around and glared, I saw a similar mech to a brother of mine rise up, a shadow with purple optics, holding Megatronus! "Who-?" "I am Megatron!"

Megatronus' POV:


It was odd, truly. I could see nothing but a darkened void. I remember falling into recharge, falling into a dreamworld, and being taken by some shadow mech, with purple optics, surrounded by purple flames. I saw nothing but darkness, but soon I began to slowly wake up, looking around, and saw Orion, and another mech. The mech was a shadow, with blue optics, and was surrounded by blue flames. I looked up and saw the same mech that dragged me into this abyss. The mech threw me past the other mech and into Orion, we both yelped. The purple flames Shadow mech began to fight the blue flames Shadow mech, and we both stumbled to our peds. "Orion, what are you doing here?!" He looked at me, dizzy and shocked. "I was about to ask you the same thing!" He squeaked out, then ducked as a purple flame ball whizzed overhead. I grabbed Orion and got away from the other two unknown mechs. "Who are they?!" He usually would be asking ME the questions, but he was here before me. "The Shadow mech with blue optics and blue flames is apparently Optimus. He said we are in his old friends processor. The other mech, all I know about him is that he's Megatron. My guess is that they are enemies, and one of them is bad, and the other is good. I'm hoping the good mech is Optimus..." He mumbled the last part. I looked over and saw the two firing balls of fire at each other, dodging and firing, then tackling the other and getting into serious flame mixing rituals or some scrap. A spark of blue and purple flame, mixed together, was tossed over and hit my ped. I picked it up, and it floated in my servo. I tossed it around in my servos, it swirled around me, becoming a thin line of flame, before vanishing out of existence. "Damn, couldn't keep it lit for long enough." I groaned, Orion looked at me in confusion, wondering what I meant. "You were trying to keep it lit?" "Yea, I was hoping I could gain similar powers and stop them from fighting like sparklings." "Hmm..." He seemed to be thinking up a plan of sorts, making me raise an optic ridge. I didn't like the gleam in his blue, swirling optics. I didn't like the way his dermas began to curve up slowly into a small smile, then to a slight smirk, to full on devilish, cheeky, gleeful sadistic smile. "Orion?" I asked, he shook his helm and smiled normally. "I got a plan." My optics slightly widened. "Oh no... Your smiles didn't exactly help with my sinking feeling you've got a dangerous plan..." He chuckled darkly at my worry, making me slightly scared, backing up slightly. "Orion, what are you planning...?" "I'm planning to try and turn into a shadow like Optimus and Megatron!" He then turned around and ran at them. "ORION NO!!!"

Orion's POV:

I felt my plan begin as I spun around and began to run towards the two, I heard Megatronus calling after me, but I ignored him. I was going to do this, and nobody was going to stop me. Yes, it was dangerous, but we couldn't just stand there and talk like it was normal to be in a void like this. I watched as purple and blue flames sparked around me. I wasn't turning back now. Megatronus was outside the flames, I was INSIDE the flames. I was inside the massive forest of flames, in the circle of color. I kept running, seeing the two Shadow mechs fighting. I ducked between the two, locking optic contact with both. I grabbed a little bit of blue flames from Optimus in one servo, and purple in the other, before skidding to a stop a few meters away. They turned to me, and I grinned. I mashed my servos together, the flames became one, turning red. I felt my own optics turn red, and I felt my frame begin to grow. They began to back up, fear in their optics as they watched me grow to such a height. I stopped growing and looked down at them. I was now a shadow like them. "Now, now it's time to END THIS!" I roared, they turned around and ran, but I was right on them already. I grabbed them both, they were struggling in my servo. I roared at them, they whimpered, and began to cry. I stopped, then gently nuzzled the two, purring softly. They looked up at me, then hugged my chassis. "Sorry, guys." "I-its ok..." "Y-yea, it's fine." I smiled and placed them down, then became my normal self. Megatronus ran over after the flames diminished, dying out finally. "Orion! What did you just do?!" I smiled. "I gained some powers." I then turned to Megatron and Optimus, slight anger in my optics. "Alright, so who REALLY are you guys?" I demanded, they flinched again. Primus, I can be terrifying... "I am Megatronus' future. He becomes a bloody murderer, a warlord, a Decepticon, you name it. He and I are one of the same, but from different time periods." Megatron spoke first, Megatronus was shocked. I then turned to Optimus, he seemed slightly scared of my intense glare. "I am your future. You become a prime, a leader, an Autobot. You and I are one of the same, but from different time periods." The two then looked away, ashamed. I sighed, rubbing my helm, then Megatronus snapped. "I KILL INNOCENT LIVES?!" I groaned and turned to Megatronus. "No, you heard wrong. Yes, you do. That's your future. Guess we can't change that." He stared at me. "Look, I know that, if we were to try and change our future, we could just erase ourselves, along with everyone and everything else. So we can't change anything without risking our galaxy's lives, our universe, everything. So don't try and stop it. It's the inevitable. I'm already changing for the worst. It won't be long until your changing as well." Megatronus looked down slowly. "I... I don't want to change..." I walked over to him and hugged him. "Neither do I, bud. Neither do I..." He hugged me back tightly, beginning to cry. I let him cry into me. I let him. What else could I do? The other two walked over and hugged me as well. We hugged ourselves if you think about it. Then the void began to be consumed in light. The other three shut their optics. "Well, I guess this is goodbye until the future?" They nodded. "Goodbye, then."


Optimus'/Orion's POV:

"WaKe Up"

I snapped awake. I looked down at my servos, and then looked around. "It was a dream... I'm Optimus now." I slowly stood up, I was on a grassy field, on another planet. "Earth..." I smiled. "Home." I looked at the rising sun. I was home. Home with Megatron. Home. I heard a rumble from above, a jet engine sound off above me, and I looked up. Megatron was flying above, watching me. I simply waved, then transformed and drove towards the sun. He followed, flying low. Somehow, in some miracle, Orion and Megatronus appeared next to us, Orion as a cybertronian car, and Megatronus as a copy of Megatrons jet, but smaller.

I mentally smiled. Home.

"We're home."

"We're free."

And we went off, our team's behind us, driving and flying off into the sunset.

We were home.

  ((1738 Words))  

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